before the party

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No one pov:

The day pasted by so fast annd.espresso was not sleeping but Madeleine was as he needed rest for the party

Espresso was in his lab thinking about what kind of project he should after the party for him he wanted too do a massive project

Espresso then know what too do for the project he was going too write it down on his board then making some breakfast for himself and Madeleine
Madeleine's pov:

As he woke up he could smell something he got up and check what was the smell after he got up and putted clothes he went too the kitchen.

Madeleine got too the kitchen and saw espresso cooking and went too him and said"Morning dear!" Madeleine said hugging espresso from behind

"Morning kitten how was your sleep?" Espresso told still making the food for themselves and letting Madeleine too hug him

"Am almost finished so could you go too the table kitten?" Espresso said letting go of Madeleine's hug
"Mhm alright" Madeleine said bundled with joy
No one pov:

After espresso got the food he putted the food on the plates
When they both got to the chairs they both sit down then ate.but than espresso heard a buzz on his phone
The conversation

Latte:'hey espresso I forgot too tell u the party it happens tomorrow so get ready for the fun and the party starts at 9:35pm!so maybe go at that time'

Espresso:'mmm alright me and Madeleine will get ready for the party tomorrow thank you for telling'

Latte:'of course!now I'll leave u with your lover to eat since it's breakfast'

(Espresso left her on read😔)
Again back too no one pov:) :

Espresso was eating while texting latte while Madeleine was just looking how beautiful espresso was he was looking at him for like 1-2 minutes

Then espresso noticed"hm?yes you need something kitty?"espresso said eating.
"A-ah sorry I was just thinking about something" Madeleine said thinking of a lie

"Mm ok..also the party is tomorrow at night time 9:35pm"
Espresso told getting a other bite.
"Alright also espresso after the party you wanna go too the park and see the lake?" Madeleine said smiling

"Yeah sure I'd like that wanna go now too past some time after this?" Espresso asked"sure dear~!" As Madeleine said

They both finished their food then espresso got the plates then putted them in the dishwasher.and went out

As espresso and Madeleine got out they walked too the park but when they got there they saw..latte and almond!

Espresso wanted too not talk with her so he had a bit of a face that didn't want too talk with her and Madeleine notice so Madeleine said "dear let's go too a difference route shall we?"

"Yes that would be good" Espresso said but then latte saw them so she called out their name
Latte pov:

Latte was just hanging out with her boyfriend almond.but then she saw espresso and Madeleine and called their names."espresso Madeleine over here wanna join!"latte offered and almond there just sipping some of his coffee

The two boys/man's said no and went off but waved bye latte was kind of wondering why but didn't think about it

"So love you know about the party tomorrow right~?" Latte said sitting next too her lover
"Yep I know about the party you bought me a suit which was quite alot of money"

"Yep~!so any plans right now?" Latte said wondering."no we might just stay here at the park for a bit hun"almond said
Espresso pov:

He wasn't wanted too be with latte so Madeleine and him left waving bye"well that was kind of ruined what should we do now dear?"Madeleine asked

"Mmm oh!wanna try the new cafe it's quite near by it's the angel cafe I heard they have amazing coffee!" Espresso said getting excited

Madeleine not that many times saw espresso like this so he said yes and as so they both went

As they were walking they were there it was quite busy but they knew they will find a seat so espresso went too order while Madeleine Will find seats.
Madeleine pov:

So espresso went too order so Madeleine was alone looking for seats while he found one someone went up too him

"Hey you freak!you don't belong here!" As she said kicking Madeleine's leg.

Madeleine was scared because he never seen this happen before nor happening too him but someone came

Madeleine's lover"hey!yeah you stop kicking him or I'll kick you!"
Espresso said yelling a bit
"Psh and why should I huh?!" As the girl said and the girls in the background

"Ohoh you really want too die don't you" Espresso said."espresso-dont"madeleine said with a serious looked

"Fine come on girls let's go"
As the girls said(btw no hate too girls:]since I am one too)

"Ugh I hate people like that are you hurt kitten?" Espresso said putting the coffee and donuts down"yeah am alright just hurts a bit"Madeleine said espresso checked his phone and saw it was 2:12pm already

"Well let's finish this food then go home alright?and you can walk right" Espresso said getting his coffee and sitting Madeleine down

As himself"no I don't think she did kicked me very hard"Madeleine said getting the doughnut then eating it.

"Mhm..ill carry you too home ok?" Espresso getting a bit soft spot."sure dear!"Madeleine happily said his cat ears going up
No one pov:

Espresso was just drinking his coffee while Madeleine eating his doughnut.after a bit they both ate and drank their stuff then left

Madeleine was hopping because of his leg and after a bit espresso carried him(Bride style)Madeleine was blushing a lot hiding his face espresso though it was cute

After that they both got home and went too have a shower Madeleine didn't like the water that much so espresso just gotten the shower and

Madeleine just on the bed waiting for his lover after espresso came they both hugged while sleeping Madeleine wraping his tail and legs around espresso

Being the big spoon and espresso putting his face on Madeleine's chest then fell asleep on Madeleine whispered "𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧"
Help this was 1085 words oml

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