you told?!

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No one pov:

When espresso and Madeleine got home.espresso asked Madeleine

"hey kitten what did you and cream puff talking about because I heard my name when you guys were talking?" Espresso asked tapping Madeleine on the shoulder
"I have maybe...told cream puff that we were dating..please don't get mad!" Madeleine begged and told."hmph did you atleast told her to keep it a secret..."espresso said frowning a bit "I did darling no need to worry" Madeleine said kissing espresso on the forehead

"Mmm ok..are you going to bed?" Espresso said."yeah are you darling?"Madeleine knowing he is going to say no."nope I have a lot of unfinished work too do"espresso said getting up and going to his laboratory."....ok darling I'll go to sleep"Madeleine said frowning and his ears and tail going down.
"Good night kitten!" Espresso said
"Good night" Madeleine told.
Latte and cream puff:

"Sooo~cream puff what did Madeleine tell you?" Latte asked wanting to know."hmmm well they were both dressing up as cats..oh! There is a other but I have to keep it a secret!it's my duty too! "cream puff told latte."mmm well you know puff sharing is caring~!"latte using this because she had use it before on cream puff."no! I will not tell you! That doesn't work on me anymore latte!"cream puff said,"I'll bring you too play with walnut~?" Latte asking wanting to know eagerly

"Hmmm fine! He told me that he was dating someone!"cream puff said and then told her"So when can I help with her!?"Cream puff asked."you can play with her tomorrow but I'll let her have a sleepover here if you tell me who is the person?"latte asking thinking it was espresso or someone else."Sleepover!!ok it was the man you were talking with!!" Cream puff said wanting a sleepover with walnut.

"AHHHEEEE!!hold on a minute I'll call almond to take care of you when iam gone!!" Latte said getting her phone."ok latte!"cream puff said going to her room latte got her phone then asked almond.


Latte:Almond~! I need you too take care off cream puff while iam out!

Almond:hmm ok but why are you going out at this time?

Latte:well I have matters to take care off!

Almond:ok I'll be there I have the key you gave me before

Latte: perfect!! Love you!!
Espresso pov:

"Mmm this needs milk pfft and coffee beans...hmph*poof*hah?! Latte oh right coffee and milk makes latte.. that's disgusting"

Espresso said but jixed himself
Then espresso heard a knock a very eagerly knock"who is knocking on the door at this hour..."espresso groaned and went out of his laboratory checked the door.

"Who is-latte what are you doing at my door!" Espresso asked tilting his head"YOUR DATING MADELEINE!!!EKKK"latte said yelling little bit loud not letting the other people hear"hah!? How do you know!?"espresso asked her but yelling a bit.

"you'll never know but you admitted it espresso!" Latte said happily"ugh come in and tell me how you know"espresso said wondering how. Latte followed him

"So how did you know latte" Espresso asked giving a death stare."mmm well a little birdy told me~!"latte told him.and leaving espresso too think who told her and realise it was cream puff"CREAM PUFF TOLD YOU?!"espresso said loudly letting Madeleine to hear

Then they heard a creek
"Agh...darling your so loud..." Madeleine said not knowing latte is here
"O-oh!uhm...hah..ill be going back up now-" Madeleine said backing up"I KNEW ITT EKKK!!!you two always make purrfect couple!"latte making a cat pun

"KEEP A SECRET LATTE OR ELSE..." espresso said getting latte Coller"darling darling chill down.."Madeleine said patting espresso's back"hmph atleast latte keep it a secret!"espresso said angerly."yesyes me and cream puff will keep it! Pinky swear~!"latte said holding her pinky out"yeah ok"espresso got his pinky out and did the thing

"Ok since I have did it I'll be leaving you two kittens!" Latte said opening the door"bye two love kittens!"latte went out saying bye."hmph well latte and cream puff knows now who will next the whole town!?"espresso told Madeleine

Madeleine sighed and and kissed espresso on the lips and leating espresso to calm down."darling my love calm down..its ok if everyone knows and everyone will know that I love you" Madeleine said too espresso and letting espresso know that he loves him."mm love you kitten.."
"Love you too darling love now come on stop working and come cleep with me"

"Ok.." Espresso said getting a bit tried.
No one pov:

Madeleine and espresso went to the bedroom and espresso asked if
"If we could hug while sleeping kitten~?" Espresso asked
"Of course my darling love!" Madeleine said then hugging espresso.

Then after they hugging but Madeleine made a love kitty heart with his tail then feel asleep.
Hmmm ily y'all hope you guys have a good day/night/evening

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