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A/N:yay..😍I can finally write shit
Anyways I'll try too write a chapter everyday
Espresso pov:

Espresso woke up and his head aching while that was he was trying too find his glasses then found them and put it on and saw more clearly

Then took a look at his lover who was quite relax but guessing he wouldn't walk espresso laughed a bit but then went downstairs too make himself some of his favorite coffee

As he did he saw they ran out of food so espresso would have too
Go out for food espresso hated the outside but had too go because espresso didn't want madeleine too starve

So went too put on his shoes and cape he was wearing a baggy shirt and jeans then went out
The outside was quite calm but kids were yelling and running
Espresso quite hated kids-

But went on with his day too get food and saw the cafe where latte works so espresso thought might as well go there

As he went inside he saw latte
" 'Spresso!great too see you outside for once"said latte "yeah yeah whatever" Espresso said "well what would you like!" Latte asked getting a paper too write it down

"Mmm...a coffee four donuts..and any juice" Espresso says and latte writing it down "coming right up!you can wait over there" Latte said pointing too a table

Then espresso went too the table and waited wondering if madeleine had waken after some minutes latte called espresso too pick up his order and espresso went there too get it

"There you go!" Latte told giving it "thanks and keep the change"
Espresso said getting the order and giving 100 dollars latte waved bye and espresso did aswell

Then espresso went out going back too madeleine until he thought about doing something
Espresso thought he never done before 𝙖 𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 with madeleine!

But espresso thought it was quite too early so he will have too wait a few months?maybe but that got out of the way and espresso went too the shop where he could buy some food and random stuff he finds

As he went inside he saw his favorite coffee beans so he ran there too grab 26 packs people were looking at him confused and weirdly but espresso didn't really care and searched for food so madeleine and espresso could cook

And then after all of that he went too the check out "you need a bag?" The cashier asked "yes thanks" Espresso replied back
And the cashier getting a bag while checking his stuff and the cashier though

'26 coffee beans pack..-?' The cashier was too shocked too speak but went on "alright that will be...149 dollars" The cashier told and espresso giving the cash then grabbed his stuff

Then espresso was going too the house and saw madeleine on the couch sleeping he looked uncomfortable espresso putted the groceries on table and went too madeleine too sit down near him

Espresso just looked at madeleine glaring at his beauty long hair espresso didn't wanna sleep but he thought he could just sleep for 2 minutes so espresso lay down

And cuddled with madeleine both looking peaceful and someone was out the window
Espresso already dozed off so espresso didn't know but the person was taking a picture
Sorry for a short chapter and a long time of not posting I had too
Study for a exam

Espresso X MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now