alone with him♡

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A/N:hey guys tysm!for 1.02k reads this was even my first story I made and I posted this story like 1 month ago and iam very surprised tysm again for this!
Madeleine pov:

Madeleine and espresso woke up espresso got out of the bed perfectly,but Madeleine the poor kitten couldn't get out as yesterday night he had with espresso."heh~looks like you can't get out huh kitten?"espresso saying getting madeleine's hand too help get up

"Hmph it's not my fault u did it with me.." Madeleine said getting espresso's hand"Mhm sure u totally didn't say u were in heat and wanted too do it~"espresso told pulling Madeleine up to stand

"Whatever let's go too the kitchen.." Madeleine said and tried too walk but instead falls down.and made espresso laughing a bit"hey!don't laugh!my legs still hurt"Madeleine yelled softly

"Come on I'll carry u kitten" Espresso said.getting Madeleine and carry him(Bride style)
leaving Madeleine blushing thinking his going too a wedding (I wish they are😔)

When they got too the kitchen espresso putted Madeleine on the sit and said "so kitten what would u like?" As espresso said

"Mmm..could I have waffles?"
As madeleine asked."of course"
After espresso made waffles he putted them on plates and ate
And talked what they were going too do maybe just stay in bed?

Shopping?they didn't know then espresso got a notification from...!"hm?who's that"Madeleine as curious."it's latte"espresso checked the phone

"What did she say" Madeleine looked while eating his waffles.
"Let's see" Espresso showed his phone.
Latte:'espresso check the news!!'

Espresso:'hm fine Madeleine and me will check it

As they quickly ate their waffles they went too the living room and turned on the tv.
The news:

"Hello everyone watching today we have found some people sick today so please may stay inside!pure vanilla our leader will heal them too make them feel better and make everyone too go outside"

"Mmm..i guess we can't leave the house" Madeleine said making a frown face."it's ok kitten we can find something to do" Espresso said as turning off the news.

"Hmm well how about we just watch something and after we can just cuddle if you like darling~" Madeleine said getting a little bit closer too espresso.

"Alright then what should we watch kitty?" Espresso said picking a show."mmm maybe a horror movie?"Madeleine said getting comfortable"alright let's put that on then"espresso said putting a horror movie.

After a while Madeleine was holding on to espresso being scared.and espresso petting the poor Madeleine"kitty it's ok iam here no need too be scared.."espresso said Petting Madeleine

"Could I just sit on your lap~?"madeleine said.{btw no smutty bc I wrote too much🤩}
"Alright" Espresso said letting Madeleine too sit on his lap.

After a few seconds Madeleine got scared as their was a jump scare holding espresso.espresso thought Madeleine being scared is funny but he knew it was bad too think about that

So he spoke"kitten do u want me too turn off the movie?"espresso said looking at the cat Madeleine

"Yes!yes please.." Madeleine told.
"Alright kitten"as espresso turned it off and Madeleine still on his lap"Well what now?"espresso asked holding madeleine's waist and body

"Could we just legs feel tired still.." Madeleine said cuddling espresso."of course kitty.."espresso cuddled with Madeleine

Espresso and Madeleine started cuddling they were just going too sleep on the couch espresso never knew that he had a soft spot before because the villages

Know that espresso is quite cold and mean.but now look at espresso his getting too know love and now the villagers see him as a nice man.

Espresso never knew he could change by one person..

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧

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