Chapter 2

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"Hey Asahi. What are you doin- ehh??" said Jaehyuk who just teleports into Asahi's room shocked seeing the man flinches and turns invisible.

"Don't enter my room like that ughhh" said Asahi annoyingly. He slowly becoming visible again and hides all the things on his table behind him. Jaehyuk looks around Asahi's room. There's a huge window right in front of the entrance with two big white and grey patterns curtains. The walls are decorated with vintage patterns. There's a big bookshelf at the side and a magnificent white bed with plain grey bedding right next to the huge window. There's nothing in the middle of the room except a big grey wool carpet.

"Haha sorry. What are you doing? What are you hiding?" said Jaehyuk. He sits on Asahi's bed and peeking to what Asahi is hiding.

"Not your business" said Asahi and turns around to continue his work. Jaehyuk couldn't care less. He walks to Asahi's place and watch him doing his work.

"Spell books? Where did you get these??" asked Jaehyuk to Asahi after seeing the things that he was hiding. Piles of books with weird decorations on the cover. Asahi is still quiet. 

"The old library" said Asahi.

"It's forbidden there... And isn't it locked?" said Jaehyuk. He's very shocked hearing what Asahi just said.

"Not my fault, okay. Junghwan's lizard, Ruby went through the door key hole and accidentally unlocked it" said Asahi carelessly.

"Ruby? Isn't that Junghwan's lizard 50 years ago?" said Jaehyuk cluelessly. Asahi ignored him. Then he realized.

"You've been hiding this for years?!!" Jaehyuk accidentally scream. Then he hears Jihoon's voice.


Asahi panics and quickly grab a piece of paper. He writes something and shows it to Jaehyuk. Jaehyuk lean to read what Asahi wrote.

'Yedam could have hear us. Let's just write on this paper instead of talking' Jaehyuk nods and wrote on the paper. Then he passes it to Asahi

'Why did you take the books?' Asahi read it and replies to it immediately 

'I just thought I might need it so I took it' Asahi wrote it. Jaehyuk looks at him in disbelief. 

"Just like that? You don't know this could have harmed us all?" Jaehyuk said it to the man in front of him.

"I know, it's just tha-" Asahi didn't get to finish his sentence yet, they saw a man enters the room. 


"Why are you guys looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong??" Doyoung said cluelessly. 

"Ah nothing" Jaehyuk said. It really relieves him that that is Doyoung not Yedam.  Doyoung for sure didn't hear their conversation. Asahi quickly hide everything in his drawer.

"Uhhhh okay... Anyways, Jaehyuk hyung, Hyunsuk hyung was searching for you. He was so shocked and turned into a rabbit because you screamed too loud. Haha" Doyoung chuckled. Behind him, is small rabbit Hyunsuk. 'Hyunsuk' said something in rabbit language that noone understands.

"Hyung said why did you screamed? Are you okay?" said Junghwan who suddenly appears with his pets birds, cats, dogs and other animals, translating what Hyunsuk said. 

"Ah nothing. Sorry if I'm worrying you hyung" said Jaehyuk awkwardly. He didn't mean to scream that loud. He's just shocked that Asahi never told him about the things that he did.

Hyunsuk turns back into his own form. "Ah it's okay. Anyways Asahi, are you okay? You are so pale..." said Hyunsuk to Asahi. 

"Well he is pale..." said Doyoung confusely. Nothing new he thought.

"Yeah but I mean- ah never mind. Let's go. And Junghwan, pack your animals. Don't leave it in Sahi's room" said Hyunsuk to Doyoung and Junghwan. Junghwan quickly pick up his pets and take them all out. The door shut

"Okay, so what were you talking about earlier?" said Jaehyuk to Asahi. He himself already forgot what they were talking about.

"Nothing" said Asahi mysteriously. 

"Who else knows about this?" asked Jaehyuk to the smaller man next to him.

"Yoshi. It's too hard to hide this from him. But he doesn't know much" said Asahi calmly.

Yoshi hyung? Ah of course. That guy knows everything in everyone's mind just by a single glance. "How much did he knows?" he asked Asahi. Asahi is bringing the books out from his drawer and put it on the table. 

"As much as you know" Asahi replies spontaneously.

"Wait there are still many things that you hide from me? What is it??" Jaehyuk was really shocked. Asahi is really secretive and rarely speaks but Jaehyuk didn't expect him to hide everything from him too since he's the closest brother to Asahi.

"Nothing. I mean you don't need to know. Now go go. Jihoon hyung is probably searching for you right now to smack you with his biceps" joked Asahi while pushing Jaehyuk out the room. "And Jaehyuk... 

...don't tell anyone about this" Then he shut the door. Jaehyuk is still standing in front of the door in confusion. I just hope he won't do anything stupid, said Jaehyuk in mind...

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