Chapter 7

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"Yoshi hyung" Yoshi turns his body to see who just called him.

"Yes Asahi. Why?" said Yoshi. Asahi just got out from his room approaches Yoshi with a small quick but quiet run, carefully to not alarm anyone up, which Yoshi found adorable and funny at the same time.

"Eh? What are you doing in front Haruto's room" Asahi asked Yoshi confusedly.

"Ah nothing. I was just checking on him. How about you? Why did you call me just now?" Hearing the words, Asahi looks to his left and right, making sure noone is there before focusing his eyes back to Yoshi.

"Can we talk for a while?" whispered Asahi. Yoshi looks at him suspiciously.

"Sure. Where?" Asahi moves his hand. Yoshi understands that he wants Yoshi to follow him. 


Asahi leads him to downstairs. They walks together into the library.

"Ehh? Why are we at the library? Yoshi stopped at the entrance. Asahi continues walking till he reaches the other side of the library. And he opens a wooden door. Yoshi quickly follows him.

"Asahi what are you doing?" Asahi ignores him and gets into the room. Yoshi is speechless. The room is big. Filled with old books and records which he believes are from centuries ago. And there's a little work table with chair in the middle of the room. He looks at Asahi. The small guy approaches the corner of the room. He moves a book in the shelf and an entrance appears. 

"What is that??" 

"YAAAAAA WHO IS THAT???" Yoshi screams after hearing a voice behind him. It's Jaehyuk. 

"Yaaaa Jaehyuk how did you get here??" yeah dumb question. Of course he teleports here dummy. Yoshi slaps his own head.

Jaehyuk laughs "I was looking for Asahi. I just teleports to the library seeing if he's here but then I see an open door so I just follow you guys here. Anddd what are you guys doing? If Yedam fou-"

"He's not gonna found out" said Asahi while glancing at the walls. The two other men looks at the same place too. There are.... lemon skins patched at walls. "Unless if you left the door open" Asahi continues. Jaehyuk quickly closes the door. There are lemon skins on the back of the door too.

"You did that?" asked Yoshi to Asahi.

"No not me" Yoshi and Jaehyuk looks at each other.

"Then who?" Jaehyuk looks at Asahi in confusion.

"I don't know. It's been there even before I found this place" said Asahi calmly. "Now follow me"

Asahi walks down the stairs to the underground. The two other man just follows him from behind. The stairways looks very creepy with candles at the corners and rats in the holes. After minutes walking, they finally reach the room.

The room is very dark with colorful mysterious lights and gases. There are candles and potions on the shelves. And also books. Spells books probably? There's a desk at the corner of the room. In the middle of the room, there's a large cauldron. Inside it, there's translucent liquid that release disgusting green gases that god knows what. Surrounded by weird orbs of hazy colorful lights.

"Look at this" said Asahi. He is standing near the desk. At his hand there's a coin. They quickly approaches him. 

(watch the video)

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