Chapter 25

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"Hyung..." Junghwan's voice causing Asahi to turn his back and look at the boy in grey top, making an eye contact with the shimmering dark orbs before approaching him and pats his head. He sits on the bench right next to Asahi while letting out a sigh. 

The dinner was awkward as hell. Silence in every corners of the dining hall, really making it hard to even breath as they can even hear their own heartbeat. The sounds of fire burning at the fireplace weren't any help at all. Jeongwoo and Junkyu have tried to make conversation with each other to lighten the mood but fail, as they all were so deep in thought. Even when the dinner is over, all of them just go inside their own room or the library. Meanwhile Asahi, Junghwan, Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk escape to the royal garden. Catching some fresh air while gazing the dark sky.

"Are we really the princes of Khogourian?" said Jeongwoo who is kneeling beside the bushes of roses, plucking one from the plant while looking at the ground seriously, talking to himself, diving in his mind. 

"I wonder who is in charge while we are gone..." he said in low tone, swifting everyone's attention to him. 

"Doesn't this mean that we are the rightful rulers of Khogourian? We should claim our land back." Haruto who is standing at the entrance the whole time, approaches them. Jeongwoo sighs. 

"How?? What we can even do in this castle, stucked?" Silence. 

"I'm more curious about how they are doing without us. We should help them. They are our people" said Haruto. 

"Didn't you hear what Hyunsuk hyung said before. The fire killed everyone. We're not princes anymore" Junghwan who's sitting next to Asahi said. "Don't believe him" said Asahi emotionless. "Hyunsuk hyung doesn't know what he's talking about. He's the type that will believe whatever he's told. There's more than just the thing that he said" Jaehyuk looks at Asahi deeply, considering if he should tell them or not.

"I-" Their attention drove to Jaehyuk right away who just voiced. The man is standing right under the juniper tree, the biggest tree in the garden. Leaning to it with arms folded to his chest. He bites his lip before continuing his sentence. 

"When I left the castle, I... met them. Don't worry, they're doing just fine" Their eyes widen hearing Jaehyuk's words. 

"So you do found something?? And you didn't even bother to tell us about it??" said Jeongwoo in disbelief. Jaehyuk bit his lower lip for the milionth time this night.

"Is your identity exposed? Did they know that you are a prince?" said Asahi seriously while facing Jaehyuk. Twisting him in confusion seeing Asahi looks panic all sudden, with fear all over his eyes. "N-No, I just sneak around the streets" lied Jaehyuk. His forehead is still crumpled while cursing himself in mind for stuttering.

Why does Asahi looks like he knows something?

"Hyung pls just tell us what did you encountered out there. We know already that you are lying when you said there's nothing" said Haruto while pleading his eyes, asking for explanation. 

"It's not that important" said Jaehyuk looking away. As he glances back, Haruto is curving his lips downward, dissappointed 

"I have my reason Ruto-ah... I- can't tell you, okay?" He sighs.

"Let's go back in. It's almost 12 am. We need to wish Hyunsuk hyung's birthday" he said while flipping a wide smile, trying to change the moody topic and atmosphere. 

"It's still early though. Let's just chill here for a while" said Asahi who is now lying on the soft grass ground with the others following his action. Jaehyuk can't help but join them. Gazing the night sky black as coal, unlike the usual dark blue shaded it is on the other nights. Sprinkled with white painted glitters, all over it and shimmering like lit candles. Accompanying the lonely white glowing dot. As their laughter starts filling the air.

Too bad it can't last long...


"Hyunsuk hyung" Jihoon calls Hyunsuk who is walking through the corridor in hurry. He quickly turns his back hearing his name mentioned. "Where are you going?" he asked. Hyunsuk gulps the lump in his throat before opening his mouth. "I'm meeting him" Jihoon startled "Now? What am I gonna tell the others when they see you're not here? It's your birthday hyung" he said while emphatizing the word 'birthday'. "That's why I need to meet him. I won't be long, okay?" he said with a smile.

"No" They moves their eyes to the voice. It's Yoshi, approaching them and grabs Hyunsuk's hand. His face is twisting in fear. "Pls don't... Can't you skip it this time?" They make an intense eye contact. Hyunsuk felt a little confused seeing Yoshi being worried all sudden. He wasn't like this usually. "I'll be fine, I promise, okay?"said Hyunsuk calmly, smile still not leaving his face. Caressing both Yoshi and Jihoon's cheeks gently. Yoshi bites his lower lip anxiously. He really don't want his brother to meet that human again, the man who... Yoshi looks to the ground, trying to brush off his thoughts.

He changed already I guess.

As he lifts his head, he sees Hyunsuk's face, still stamped with smile. Yoshi sighs. 

"Just be careful" 

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