Chapter 24

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(ok guys, i never played fencing before and i don't even know what's the tools are. So forgive me if there's an error, i only searched about it on google)

Jaehyuk's standing right beside the large window in the great hall, watching the sunset that's only visible behind the huge trees, but still able to shower its shine on the old castle, leaning to the wall worrily. Jaehyuk sighs. He can't even get a proper rest these days, thinking about the trouble that he just got himself into. The more he got recalled by the things that he went through during his little "trip" outside the castle, the more restless he feel. Unconsciously rests his head on the hard wall, seeking for some peace in the loud room.

"YAAAA MASHI HYUNG ARGHHHH" Jaehyuk's attention immediately swifts to the noise Jeongwoo made in the middle of the hall. Before the laughter came, its anticipation flipped his expression. Dry, labial hills eroded into wet-licked lips of imminent joy. Seeing the man laying exhaustedly on the floor with Mashi wielding his épée slightly touches Jeongwoo's neck, causing the others to laugh as well.

"Practice more before you challenge me next time, rookie" said Mashi laughing his ass out like a witch after defeating Jeongwoo in fencing. His white bones bared when he raises his cheeks upward, letting out the cutest smile like a hamster. His hand slowly lays his épée on the ground before grabbing the napkin and wipes the sticky sweats on his forehead.

The sounds of door creaking drive everyone's attention there, immediately kills everyone's laughter, swapping it with silence. Revealing three figures entering the hall, approaching them.

"What's with the sudden silence?" The laughter starts exploding again hearing Hyunsuk's words. The clueless three look at each other speechlessly with confusion twisted in their eyes, slowly flipping a chuckle. "Did I miss something?? Hey tell me" Hyunsuk said with a wide smile and a giggle, demanding explaination.

"Haha nothing. It's just Jeongwoo losing to Mashiho in fencing again" The mentioned one who is still laying on the floor starts covering his face with his hands out of embarassment. While the others continued laughing. "Again??" Hyunsuk joins them. "Yaaa hyung. You made it sounds like I always lose" Jeongwoo pouts like a kid. Haruto who is standing beside him twists a disgusted face. Cringed "Well, you do though" he said savagely, slapping the reality on Jeongwoo's face. Jeongwoo curves his lips downwards before hitting Haruto's feet in revenge, causing him to let out weird funny sounds, and the laughter bursts out again, filling every corner of the spacious hall.

"Okay okay don't fight. Actually there's something I want to tell you guys" said Hyunsuk, this time, seriously. His word cuts off all the chaos that was going on there, leaving everyone in curiosity. "I think... it's time for me to tell you... the truth about the past, that I've been hiding all these years" The atmosphere flips to serious mood in an instant, Jaehyuk seems interested in what Hyunsuk just said as he turns his body facing them. They all are looking at Hyunsuk eagerly.

"At last hyung?" Doyoung lets out a small laugh. "We've been waiting this for centuries. Thought you were going to hide it forever" said Doyoung. "You never asked though" said Hyunsuk "Will you ever answer though?" said Yedam firing back at him. Hyunsuk bites his lower lip. "I'm sorry" Yedam panics seeing Hyunsuk suddenly looking down "No no it's okay hyung. Let bypass, be bypass" he relieves a little, seeing Hyunsuk carves a soft tender smile. Jihoon who is standing beside Hyunsuk all the time slowly grabs his hand, giving him support to tell the story.

Silence. The sun is completely set, leaving only dark blue view on the window, allows Hyunsuk to finally deciding to open his mouth.

"Long time ago, there's a kingdom full of happiness, Kingdom Khogourian. Ruled by King Lee Yang Sob, The Great. The king married to a beautiful woman from a far far village. But it's not just any ordinary village, it's a village of magic, where everyone there, the Trakeis, have their own power, called the Yutaire village. In order to grace the kingdom too with power, she gave birth to 12 children with power, each borning on the first night of every month. So that the kingdom will be guided every month, blessed with magic" Hyunsuk carved a soft smile on his face "It's us, we're the 12 children with power" hearing Hyunsuk's words, the others look at each other in shock. He continues "But one night, the night where no stars light up the sky, the moon too was nowhere to be found, mother disappeared and a mysterious fire have taken over the kingdom, killing the King and everyone in the town, trapping this castle with the giant trees"

Hyunsuk's words once again cause a loud silence in the hall. As their eyes widen, refusing to believe what they just heard. "Wait wait hyung- So you're telling us that we are..." Mashiho unable to finish his words, seeing Hyunsuk nods at him.  "The princes. of. Khogourian." Four words are enough to twist their minds in shock. Meanwhile the man who's standing beside the window is still crumpling his forehead, unsatisfied with Hyunsuk's explanation. 

'so hyung believes that there are noone in the outside world anymore' Jaehyuk thought

As the hall is still silence without any signs of them trying to kill it, Hyunsuk opens his mouth "Ah it's dinner time already. I'll go prepare it" he said before leaving them speechlessly, while Jihoon following him in rush like his sidekick. 

"Hyung" As soon as they exits the deadly silent hell and closes the huge door, he calls the person in front him, causing Hyunsuk to turns his back, looking at Jihoon. Their dark orbs connect with each other. "Why didn't you tell them yet about the king, being still alive?" Jihoon lowers his voice as he said the last three words. The man who's facing him right now lets out a sigh. "I'm not ready yet Jihoon-ah..." he said, while making pleading face. Dissapointed with himself... "It's okay... But promise me to tell them whenever you have the chance, okay?" said Jihoon while smiling softly at Hyunsuk, feeling a little bit relief when he starts smiling too. "Okay..." As they walk together side by side making their way to the kitchen.

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