Chapter 19

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The world goes around just fine even without me... - Seungri

(Listen to the song above WITHOUT reading the lyrics, because if you did... you will cry. Especially if you are a vip)

Junghwan eyes are still attached at the ceiling. His head hurts so much. So is his body. He feels very weak. But he's feeling better now than he was at the spell room. He tries to move his hands. Can't.

"Junghwan-ah??" Hyunsuk who is sitting on Junghwan's bed looks at him. His face is masked in happiness after seeing Junghwan looking at him. 

"Junghwan-ah, are you okay??" said Junkyu who is standing behind Hyunsuk with Mashiho. He touches Junghwan's head. It's been a while since Junghwan's awake but he looks very uncoordinated so they decided to let him get used to the environment first.

"W-where am I?" mumbled Junghwan. His voice is very low. He looks at his surrounding.

"You're in your room right now. How are you feeling?" said Hyunsuk. He holds Junghwan's hand after seeing the boy looking confused. He blinks his eyes for the milionth times.

"Jaehyuk hyung..." Junghwan looks at them. They pay attention to Junghwan.

"What happened to him?" They look at each other. 

"Let's pray that he's okay..." said Mashiho. 

Suddenly the door opened and Yoshi with Asahi appear at the entrance. Asahi runs to Junghwan and hugs him.

"Junghwan-ah are you okay?? Are you feeling dizzy? Does your body still hurts??" ask Asahi in panic. He pats Junghwan's neck back slowly. 

"I'm okay..." said Junghwan. He hugs his hyung who's smaller than him back. 

"Mashi hyung-" Mashi turns his upper body around to see who just called him. Yedam, Doyoung and Haruto enters the room and approach Mashi. They are startled to see Asahi. The man glances at them for a second.

"What are you doing here?" said Yedam to Asahi seriously. He gives him a glare. Asahi turns around, facing Yedam.

The lump in his throat is going crazy again. He tries his best to hold his tears back. Seriously, when did he starts being this weak? Why can't he control his emotion like usual?

"Bang Yedam stop please" Hyunsuk stands up and look into Yedam's dark brown eyes, signalling DON'T.

"Yedam hyung, get over it. It's not Asahi's fault. Jaehyuk went there willingly" said Doyoung who is right next to him. Yedam ignores him.

"Yedam-ah..." Asahi stands up from his seat. He glances his black shaded eyes into Yedam eyes and move his gaze to the ground. He can't stand seeing the hate and angriness Yedam possessed in his eyes. Asahi inhales and bows 90 degree. All of them pay attention at Asahi. 

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for all the troubles I've caused. I'm sorry for hurting you guys. I didn't meant to..." Asahi inhales as deep as he can.

"I start practicing magic because..." Asahi didn't finish his sentence. He can't spit out the words without crying his eyes out which he don't want to. He exhales, trying to chase all of those hesitation away.

"Because you want the castle all for yourself right? That's why you tried to take our powers away and kill us. Such a selfish fool" Yedam can't stand seeing how idiotic the man in front of him look right now. 

Yedam's words attacked Asahi's heart like a missile. Is he really that evil that Yedam thought he will do that? He gets up from his bowing. His eyes are still attached on the ground.

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