Chapter 3

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A normal evening in the ballroom.

"Yaa Doyoung hyung. Catch this!" said Jeongwoo while throwing a ball to Doyoung. Doyoung quickly catch the ball with his telekinesis power. Jeongwoo sighs

"I mean with your hand idiot" said Jeongwoo jokingly. Junkyu next to him just laughing. 

"Now catch this!" said Doyoung while throwing the ball back to Jeongwoo. The ball is so fast so Jeongwoo just make a force field in front of him to block the ball from hitting him. 

"Yaaaa that's too fast! I can't catch it!" said Jeongwoo. Jeongwoo reaches the ball to throw it back at Junkyu who's laughing his ass off. Suddenly the ball is on fire.

"Yaaaaaaaa Watanabe Haruto!!! What are you doing??!!" scream Jeongwoo who is shocked seeing the fire ball. Haruto who just got there shocked too. 

"Ehhhh sorry guys." apologized Haruto. He was actually trying to burn the papers near the window but accidentally burn the ball. Junkyu quickly make a cloud of rain on the ball to stop it from burning. Jeongwoo grabs the ball. Too bad the ball already deflated.

Yedam suddenly enters the hall. "Oh it's you guys..." he said. The guys look at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Junkyu ask Yedam. 

"Ah nothing" said Yedam before leaving the room. The door shut. The others raised their shoulders.

Meanwhile Yedam, outside the room still being confused about what he just heard before. It's a strange sound but he can't detect where is it from. 

"Hmm nothing I guess. Ugh whatever it's not important after all" said Yedam before entering his room. 

Yoshi whom at the corridor from the start watching Yedam mumbling weird things to himself that he himself don't understand even after reading Yedam's mind. He's probably figuring out the sound he heard, he thinks. Yoshi walks back to his room. The he bumps into Hyunsuk who just got out from his room.

"Hyung? Where are you going? Why do you look so nervous? ask Yoshi to Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk looks so in hurry.

"Yoshi-ya, when it's dinner time, tell everyone to go to the dining hall.Those kids won't voluntarily walk themselves to have dinner. Hyung will have dinner a little late okay" said Hyunsuk to Yoshi sweetly. Hyunsuk is really a sweet person. He really acts like mom to all of them. Noone ever seen him being angry.

"Okay but where are you going hyung? said Yoshi. 

"I'm meeting him".

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