Chapter 17

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After minutes walking, Jaehyuk finally arrives at... whatever this place is. It looks like a village of farming community. There are stores at his left and right. And a spacious place with a fountain right in front of him, loaded with people. He can hardly breathes.

"The kingdom of Khogourian" A man in a plain dark green robe with a hood suddenly stands on the fountain and speaks. Everyone else start paying attention at him.

"A kingdom without a king..." as the man pull his hood off, startled gasps could be heard. Countless scars on his face.

"Once 'gifted' by magic but now..." the man chuckles. He walks around the fountain.

"Stop with your dumb magic jokes, Sung-ho. All those fantasy have came to its end. There are no longer magic here" the man called Sung-ho stopped walking and gives the man who just talked to him a stare.

"Magic... doesn't end nor fade. It's hidden..." Sung-ho jumps off the fountain and continues walking on the ground. 

"And I'll find it and take it back" he whispers which only for him to hear. Hands slowly forms a fist. Suddenly he looks into the crowd in panic.

"I-It's here. IT'S HERE. I SENSE IT" Sung-ho suddenly walks into the crowd in enjoyment. His face looks psychotic as he giggles like a clown. Jaehyuk panics because he was coming at his way. He quickly squeeze into the crowd and leaves the place right away to prevent him from getting caught. He enters a small store to hide.

"Phew..." He exhales in relieve and took his hood off.

"Welcome handsome young man. Can I help you?" Jaehyuk startled. He turns around to see the owner of the voice. A woman is standing right in front of him. She's holding a box of... plants? And she's looking at Jaehyuk with a smile.

"Just tell me if you need something" said the woman allowing Jaehyuk to wander around. She gives Jaehyuk the warmest smile ever and continues doing her work. Jaehyuk looks around. The store looks like a bookstore. Not as big as the library in the castle but spacious and comfortable enough. Flowers at every corner and shelves of books at every side. There's a desk in the middle of the room with a mini globe and some books on it. The woman is sitting on the chair at the desk. And there are candles on every shelves and a big lamp right in front of the entrance.

"Umm miss-" The woman pays attention to him and laughs.

"Oh heavens! Don't call me that. I'm already 80 years old" she said between her laughter.

'Well I'm near 120...'

"You can call me Mrs. Kang" said Mrs. Kang with a smile. Jaehyuk chuckles awkwardly.

"Umm Mrs. Kang, can I ask you something?" Jaehyuk approaches one of the shelf near him.

"Sure. Ask me anything" the woman grabs a book near her and rummage through it.

"Who's the guy who was at the fountain just now?"

"You mean Sung-ho? Oh he's the owner of the bar right there.  Actually, he's not from here. He's an explorer that came here years ago and decided to stay here"

"And you guys welcome him?" Jaehyuk looks at the woman in a confusion.

"Yes" the woman chuckles again.

"No one ever visits our village because well, you sure know why. The dangerous giant trees and the forest are blocking others from getting into our country. And I bet they already forgot that our kingdom exists. So when someone comes here, we get excited" said Mrs. Kang before she continues doing her work.

"How about you? You're not from here, right? How did you get here?" She looks at him. Jaehyuk sweats nervously. He scratches the back of his neck.

"Uhh I was... lost. Yes, I got lost in the forest and then I found this village. So I decided to look around"

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