Chapter 16

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I've made this chapter very very long. And kinda sad and stressing too. Prepare some drinks before reading okayyy :)

Hyunsuk locks his eyes on Junghwan who is still unconscious on his bed as his hand making its way to rub the younger's head... Boiling hot... Without him noticing, a drop of tear is falling down his soft cheek... seeing the person he always loved with all his heart... suffering... Quickly moving his finger to shed it. 

Worries start to fill his already worried mind... Worrying about everything... Jaehyuk, Junghwan, Asahi, Haruto, the magic, the past, his responsibility, everything.

"I'm such a bad brother" His sobs getting louder as he think about it more.

Years ago...

Hyunsuk wanders around the main hall, searching for Haruto. The tall boy been acting weird lately. All quiet, mysterious and secretive leaving his brothers worried with the drastic change of his behaviour. Hyunsuk moves his way to the library, Asahi's favourite spot. He knows that Haruto is with Asahi because he saw them together just now. As he arrived at the entrance, Hyunsuk cracks the door open.

"What should I do now?" Haruto's soft sobs enter his earholes. Hyunsuk is feeling curious and peeks in the dark library with the chandelier as the only source of light there to see what's happening there. And he sees... Haruto. There are burn and swollen spots on his skin. Covering his whole body. Hyunsuk gasped and covers his mouth with his palm in shock.

"Ruto-ya, I think you should tell them..." said Asahi who is in front of him guiltily.

"No no, anything but that. I'm telling you this because I can't tell them" His sob getting louder. "Please help me" Haruto looks at Asahi with his teary dark eyes. Asahi can't bear looking at his poor brother right now as he look away. He felt guilty and awful... not being able to do anything to help him.

"There are really nothing that I can do with this. Because this isn't right. Judging from your condition right now, it seems like this is cause by your own power. But I don't understand... Why it didn't heal itself?" Asahi's face is twisted in confusion. He inhales deeply, gaining strength to face the taller boy. Slowly rising his head, looking at Haruto who's facing the ground.

"Yes I've been practicing magic, but I don't know how to cure this. Your magic is too strong, and mine... is nothing comparing to yours. I can't... Sorry Haruto" Asahi never felt this guilty before that he can't even look at the sobbing boy anymore. As he moves his dark orbs away.

'Asahi is practicing magic?' Asahi's words once again sent Hyunsuk startled. Stoning his feet at the entrance.

"Then I want to get rid of my power" said Haruto toneless. The shorter boy shakes his head in unapproval.

"No Ruto. You should be grateful that your magic is so powerful. You are lucky unlike me" Asahi's voice gets lower as he said the last sentence... The words stabbed his heart so deep as his awful childhood starts playing over his head again and again...

Because it's a fact that he always hated since he was a kid... A fact that he can't deny no matter how much he tried... A fact that made him different from his brothers...

"What should I be grateful of? My power that's hurting myself??" Haruto sobs even louder. Asahi felt very bad to Haruto. He grabs Haruto's shirt on the table and help him put it on.

"Look at the bright side, okay? Your powerful magic will probably benefits you in the future. Who knows? If I'm you, I would burn the castle with my power" joked Asahi, hiding his feelings. Haruto finally chuckles.

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