Chapter 20

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It's Jaehyuk... He's right there, looking at Asahi with a calm face. He still looks just like how he was before he leaves the castle. Except that the cloth that he's wearing is torned, at his right shoulder. Exposing his golden long II shaped birth mark. Jaehyuk walks toward Asahi.

"You stupid. Why don't you get it already?" Jaehyuk looks at Asahi with an annoyed face. He glances at the floor and back at Asahi's startled face.

"When I left this castle, look at what happened. Chaos. The magic is going crazy. Imagine what'll happen if you're not here." said Jaehyuk. He sighs. "Listen here, we need all 12 to-"

"make sure the magic won't die..." said Asahi. He looks down at the ground. So it's just about magic...

"to complete this family..." Asahi lifts his head up after hearing Jaehyuk's words. "Asahi, you are a part of this family. Why would you ever think you're not? You are one of the piece in this jigsaw. We can't lose you, we can't lose any of us" Jaehyuk turns and look at them while saying the last sentence out loud. He looks back at Asahi. The man is looking at him with teary eyes. Jaehyuk sheds his tears with his finger and cups Asahi's cheek.

"We are family. We shouldn't be fighting about powers, who's stronger, weaker. It's not important at all." Jaehyuk raises his voice a little while looking at Asahi's soft face. Not meaning to scold him, just making sure Asahi knows how valuable he is.

"You worth more than just your magic. Why can't you see yourself they way we see you? You're not a curse... You are a gift yourself, even without a power" Asahi is very touched with Jaehyuk's words. He pulls him for a hug, tight. Jaehyuk pats Asahi's head. He understands him now so he just let Asahi cries his eyes off at his shoulder. Asahi needs someone to hug. No matter how tough he acts, he do have a tender heart. Jaehyuk knows him well.

"Sahi hyung..." Yedam approaches them. Jaehyuk who was patting Asahi's back gave Yedam a glare. Jaehyuk knows how much Asahi is afraid of the guy. Yedam ignores him. Asahi presses his head on Jaehyuk's chest, trying to stop crying.

"Do you promise that you won't cause any trouble, or downgrading yourself again?" said Yedam seriously. Asahi nods his head. Yedam carves a soft smile on his mouth. He hugs both Asahi and Jaehyuk. They are startled. Asahi lifts his head and makes eye contact with Yedam. Yedam throws his gaze inside Asahi's eyes. Asahi has the blackest shaded eyes among them, holding the entire galaxies in it, shining and shimmering everytime it's hit by light. Beautiful.

"You do belong here hyung..." Yedam's eyes are full of love and affection that Asahi never have seen in him before. He's very touched and sobs out loud. He don't feel the need of holding back anymore, he have... a perfect family with wonderful brothers. Jaehyuk pats Yedam's head.

The others join them. Cherishing the most weird, chaotic, dangerous and lovely night. For the first time in 120 years, they actually showing the love that they all have but blinded by cruel brain-washed minds. Just 12 brothers hugging each other. No hates, no thing against each other, just love, affection and warmth that are living inside their souls. A perfect family...

In the other hand, without them knowing, the cauldron inside the spell room starts glowing again. Witnessing the strong magic they've created tonight...

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