Chapter 14

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Wow did I just ghosted y'all? 😆 anyways here ya go. #VOTE #VOTE #VOTE

Cold breeze hits Jaehyuk's slender fingers... as he wiggles it... sensing something that's definitely unusual from his regular state with the atmosphere... he opens his eyes slowly. As his orbs wander around scanning the place... a soft gasp escapes his lips.

He can't believe it. He's now standing right beside a river which is definitely not in the castle anymore. A bridge is well built across the river to the other side, but stucked by the giant trees that grown right at the middle of the river. As he turns his head to the right, a bunch of cottages and housebarns are there, with probably people living in it.

He's in a village right now? Jaehyuk pinches his arm. Yup he ain't dreaming. 

"Ah screw it" sighs Jaehyuk. He was just trying to teleport here, not actually DID teleport here. Oh you're such a dummy Jaehyuk, he said to himself. He just voluntarily got himself into trouble. And it's getting dark now. 

As he tries teleporting to the castle back, he fails as his body suddenly wobbles unsteadily lacking energy, causing him to fall on the ground. Jaehyuk's forehead automatically crumpled, breathing heavily, trying to catch some air while brushing off the dirt on his silky black cloak. He's so exhausted for no reason at all, feeling weak all over his spines. As if his power is.... draining. 

But why? Confusion starts filling his already confused mind, questioning himself. Suddenly a faint light enters his sight and hits his face lightly, as he hears loud stepping sounds approaching him. Jaehyuk quickly gets up, gaining energy and run behind one of the cottage, hiding at the dark side while praying that he won't get caught.

"Who's there??" the voice really gives Jaehyuk chills. Such a hard and deep voice. He moves his back closer to the wall so the voice owner doesn't see him.

"What do you mean, Hyunwoo? Nobody's there" oh there are two people there? Jaehyuk gulps.

"I swear I heard something, maybe someone?" Jaehyuk bites his lip in panic. "Probably it already ran away. Nevermind, it's not even that important. Let's get back to work" that 'Hyunwoo' guy said. As Jaehyuk hears stepping sounds slowly leaving him and dissapear, he exhales in relief. 

Shit. Now what? He can't go home... Good job, Yoon Jaehyuk. You're now stuck here. Jaehyuk curses himself in mind.

"Who are you?" Jaehyuk's eyes widen, stucking his breath in his throat, startled of the voice that suddenly appears right beside him... He slowly turns his head left. An old lady who is probably 100+ years old is looking at him in curious innocent face while holding a fire torch. She's wearing a dark green cloak and her face is wrinkled. Scanning Jaehyuk's whole figure up and down as if he's a beggar. Jaehyuk gulps nervously.

"Such a handsome young man. What are you doing here?" the old lady said again with a smile. Round dark brown eyes, clear dewy skin, full healthy lips, tall and excellent body proportion, the visual of the man in front of her right now is no less than a prince! Jaehyuk smiles back at her and turns his body facing her politely.

"Umm I was- Well..." Shit I'm running out of excuses, he said in mind.

"You're not from here aren't you? You need a place to stay?" said the lady. She looks so sincere. There's no way she has bad intention then, right?

"Oh no no never mind. I was actually going to ummm meet my friend" said Jaehyuk whatever the fuck pops in his head.

"Oh okay then. Take care of yourself. You look like someone that would be kidnapped right away" said the lady before walking away slowly, leaving him. 

"Phew" Jaehyuk exhales in relief for the thousandth time, resting his back on the wall relaxedly. As he leans to the left, his eyes suddenly caught at something between the bunch of cottages. A long cobblestone street, accompanied by a lamp as the only source of light there, leading to.... well, god knows what...

"Should I go there?" whispered Jaehyuk to himself, standing upright, facing the street.

"No no I should go home by now" Jaehyuk shakes his head, retreating to cause anymore troubles. He shouldn't even be here.

"But I can't" said Jaehyuk after realising that he can't use his power.

Jaehyuk holds his head gently. 

I should find out what happened actually in the past, said Jaehyuk to himself... As he made his mind...

"Okay Yoon Jaehyuk. Let's... at least be useful for once. This is the only thing you can do after all" he encourages himself of his decision.

He puts his hood over his head and takes his precious baby step eagerly, walking through the street.

While a pair of eyes are watching him from afar. Sensing a weird aura from Jaehyuk.


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