Chapter 26

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Hyunsuk swallows the lump in his throat, trying to chase away the hesitation. Eyes locked on his feet who's standing in front of the wooden door, staying like it for a few seconds before slowly raises it off. A bite on his own lower lip truly gains some confidence in him to finally lifts his right hand and hit its knuckles on the hard surface. As the sound of knocks managed to alarm the person in the room.

"Come in" hearing the voice, Hyunsuk moves his floating hand to the knob and turns it. Feet making its way, stepping inside while his dark brown orbs wander around the room. Nothing changes much like the last time he came here. The only difference is that the man that's standing beside the only window in the room is looking all joyful seeing him, as if Hyunsuk's a treasure he always dreamt for. Not gonna lie, it does startled and creeped him out a bit.

"Tonight's the night! Have a seat, young man" the man said excitedly with a smile, a psychotic one actually before turning his back on him and approaches the table at the side of the room. The moonlight and some candles laying on the floor are the only source of light in the room, making it impossible to see what is he actually doing there.

"Umm nevermind. I prefer standing" Hyunsuk said while glancing to the small wooden chair beside him. He's a little confused with his words. Today's the night? What night? It's just his birthday, the 120th one, nothing so special about it. The King never care nor wish them a happy birthday before despite being their own father. Sounds of water pouring and clinking sounds of glasses hit Hyunsuk hearing holes, causing him to gaze his eyes on the busy broad back of the King.

"Tell me Choi Hyunsuk. Did something happen these days that you probably didn't tell me?" His deep voice becoming deeper all sudden, firing the words with a flat serious tone, no more joy. And the way he said it... seems like demanding a confirmation from Hyunsuk. Chills all over his spines, Hyunsuk bites his lower lip habitually. As he stands upright like a knight and twists a straight face, trying to match with the intense atmosphere in the faint room.

"Yes, Your Majesty" he said honestly. Deciding to tell the King about the incident. As he gulp the saliva in that's itching his throat, he opens his mouth, hesitantly. "This is about... Jaehyuk"

"Ah Jaehyuk, the 6th prince. Such a nice boy, I remember. What's with him?" his voice sure do sounds excited everytime hearing the name mentioned, leaving Hyunsuk wonders what so special about Jaehyuk that the King admire him so much.

He still remembers when they were kids, the King were so over-protective towards Jaehyuk. Personal guards at every corners and extra-care for him than the others. People would definitely say that's a luck, but Hyunsuk knows damn well that Jaehyuk is suffering. Jaehyuk literally never survives a minute being free without observation.

Jaehyuk is literally the opposite of Asahi.

Hyunsuk inhales, deep to the the bottom of his lung, gaining confidence to continue his talk. "He left the palace" Four words in one breath.

"WHAT?" The man turns his back in a millisecond, filled with shock, sending chills to Hyunsuk's spines. The sounds of the stompy steps that's moving towards him is making it impossible to even breathe due to fear.

"What do you mean left?" Hearing the deadly serious voice, Hyunsuk gathers his confidence to look back at the King. The man in front of him right now is firing his eyes into Hyunsuk's intensely. He gulps the saliva that's stuck in his throat before moving his lips to explain everything.

"B-but he's back now. He's fine, the magic is fine, everything goes back to norm-" His voice trembled like a bumpy road... stuttering the words, desperate to clarify the misunderstanding between him and the furious man. Before he could finishes his sentence, the king cut him off.

"Choi Hyunsuk" Monotone. Chills dancing on Hyunsuk's bones as the King mentioned his name with expressionless face. "Y-yes?" Again with the stutters... he shuts his lips tight... swallowing the pile of liquid wiggling in his throat.

"Are you a disabled person?" Hyunsuk's forehead crumpled, confused with his question.

"No" He answered confidently.

"Are you probably... dumb?" Hyunsuk looks away to the ground, thinking about the question. "Sometimes but no-"

"THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM?!" Hyunsuk flinches hearing the groan... shoulders raised caused by sudden shock. His voice was like lightning piercing through a tree and spliting it into two parts... hurting Hyunsuk's ears. He automatically retreats step by step slowly when the King approaches him like a flash. If eyes could kill, then Hyunsuk is a dead roasted meat by now, as the man's bloodshot eyes burst through his shaky terrified dark brown orbs. Intensely.

"I-I wasn't there when it happened" again with the stutters. Hyunsuk can't help it. He's genuinely terrified right now as the man in front of him looks like he about to eat him alive, keep walking towards Hyunsuk like a hungry beast with thump steps. While Hyunsuk just keep stepping back and back in fear till his back bumps with hard surface, unable to retreat anymore.

"What did he found??" Hyunsuk gulps hearing the voice. Deep, hard and flat.

"He d-didn't tell us about tha-" before Hyunsuk could finish his words, he could feel an ice cold hand pressuring on his neck, strangling it that might have left a bruise, lifting him up from the ground. Unable to attract the oxygen to enter his throat, leaving him breathless, as his ears incapable of hearing other sounds than a ringing tunnel-like sound. As his fingers start shaking, wanting it to stop but powerless it is.

The King watches the view in front of him right now in satisfaction... Can't wait to take his life anymore... leaving him like a soulless doll in the tower alone... as he tighten the hold on Hyunsuk's throat... as the man's mouth start gasping... desperate for a bit of breath... wiggling his weak arms, wanting it to stop...Eyeballs start to roll back as the shorten of oxygen is getting the most of him... unable to defend himself anymore... his corpse-cold fingers shake non-stop, already at the verge of death..

I really want to kill you so bad

Suddenly the hold on Hyunsuk's neck loosen, dropping him on the hard surface of the floor... as his mouth automatically gasps for breath that it been craving just now, gaining conciousness. His blurry eyes manage to capture the man's footsteps, leaving away.

but not now..

not yet.

His eyes take a glance at the old rusty clock hanging on the brick wall. 11:54. His eyes light up in evil. As the time that he waited for all these years, have finally arrived. A psychotic smile formed on his old wrinkled face.

"Come with me" he said while signalling with his head before slowly walks away. Hyunsuk who was still on the ground watches him approaching a wooden door of a secret room that the King never let him enter and turns the knob. He slowly gets up from the ground and follows the King into the room. Gasps automatically left his lips as soon as he see what's inside.

last update was on march? i'm seriously sorry - author

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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