Chapter 6

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Asahi is sitting on his bed. He looks at the walls of his room. He sighs. Everyone's room has different colors. Yoshi's is blue, Junkyu's is peach, Jihoon's is red and his is....... grey. The room color is decided by their powers. His power is invisibility so he got.... grey. Don't get him wrong. He likes the color grey. It's his power that made him upset. He sighs again.

A knock was heard on Asahi's door room. Asahi glances at the door and ignores the knocks. 

"Hey Asahi" the voice shocked Asahi. He turns his head to see who is it.

"Oh it's you. Why are you here?" said Asahi after seeing the one who enters into his room. It's Jaehyuk. 

"Are you okay? You look upset earlier" asked Jaehyuk to Asahi. He slowly walks to Asahi. 

"I'm okay. It just that- Ugh never mind" Asahi sighs.

"Hey just tell me what is it. I'm not gonna tell anyone" Jaehyuk said to the smaller man in front of him.

"That bitch Yedam gonna hear" Asahi glaring at the wall next to him. His room is right next to Yedam. Jaehyuk sighs.

"Wait a minute-" said Asahi. He looks at his room door.

"Did you get in here using door??"said Asahi. Jaehyuk startled.

"Uhhh yeah" said Jaehyuk. Asahi's face is full of confusion.

"Why you didn't teleport like usual?" said Asahi

"Oh well... I'm- tired..." said Jaehyuk.

"Tired of what? Did something happened during dinner" Asahi is confused. 

"I - I don't know. I just feel tired. Like my power is- never mind" said Jaehyuk. He looks so down. "Well I guess I'm going back to my room then. Bye" Jaehyuk changes the topic. He walks to the door. Leaving Asahi confused. So it's not just me? said Asahi in mind.


Haruto laying on his bed. He stares at the pinkish maroon ceiling. What will happen if he tell everyone about the thing that he encounters? He sighs. They will probably kick him out of this castle or something

Suddenly he hears someone knocks on his door. "Haruto are you there?" The knocks continue

Haruto gets off his bed and walks to the door. He opens it, revealing Yoshi with his hands in pocket casually, standing in front of the door. Haruto walks to his bed. Yoshi enters the room and shut the door.

"Anything you want to tell me? You're behaving weird lately" said Yoshi while approaching Haruto. He sits next to the taller guy

"Nothing..." said Haruto. He keeps looking down and consistently bites his lips uneasily.

"Come on. I know you. Tell me what is it" Yoshi looks at Haruto in concern. Haruto sighs. He really can hide nothing from Yoshi. He's the only person in the family that he's comfortable to talk to about how he "truly" feels. Haruto bites his lower lip.

"My power... it's becoming uncontrollable..." said Haruto while looking at his hand.

"What do you mean?" Yoshi asked.

"This..." Haruto folded his cloth sleeve and shows his arm to Yoshi. It's burnt. His arm dark red and swollen. There are even some dry blood spots on it, creepy to even lay an eye on. Yoshi is shocked.

"How did you get burned?? Isn't you-" 

"That's the problem. I don't know, okay?" Haruto cut Yoshi off before he finishes his words, placing his hand on his head, grabbing the life out of his fluffy hair. He's very stressed inside. Yoshi is still looking at the man speechlessly. Haruto wasn't even supposed to be harmed by fire, he's the controller. He is the one who controls it. How did this happened??

"Can you... leave me alone for a while?" Yoshi sighs hearing the request.

"Sure... Just don't think about it too much okay?" said Yoshi. He slowly stands up walks to the door

"Ruto-ya" Haruto lifts his eyes from the ground to the man that is standing in front of the door, looking at him in silence. "Whatever happens, remember that hyung still loves you, okay? We all do" Yoshi looks at Haruto. Then he went out. The door shut.

Haruto lets out a small chuckles, mocking himself. Love, my foot.

Yoshi sighs. He's very worried about his dongsaengs. To be honest, he himself feels the same. There's something wrong about his power. He can't read Asahi's and Haruto's mind just now. 

His power... 

It's becoming weak.

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