Chapter 10

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"Jihoon-ah, are you okay?" said Hyunsuk as soon as he enters Jihoon's room. Jihoon is sitting on his chair while his right hand spinning pen. His eyes immediately focused on the guy that just entered his room.

"Yeah I'm okay" said Jihoon while changing his sitting position. Hyunsuk approaches him.

"You look distracted" said Hyunsuk while taking a seat on Jihoon's bed.

"Nothing. It's just that, Haruto..." said Jihoon. Hyunsuk pays attention to what Jihoon just said.

"He's acting weird nowadays. He looks... insecure or something" Jihoon said while looking at Hyunsuk. "I think I should talk to him more" he continues. Hyunsuk nods. They both look at the ground.

"And about Asahi... I don't know what to do with him" Hyunsuk attaches his eyes to Jihoon's peaceful face. 

"What happened?"

"I don't know- He's just so weird and annoyingly mysterious? He's definitely hiding something" They look at each other. Hyunsuk can feel the worries in Jihoon's eyes.

"Maybe it's just your feeling. He seems fine to me. Even if he has any secret, it's normal." Hyunsuk defends Asahi.

"Yeah but I'm still worried that he will do something that will harm himself. That kid is stubborn" Hyunsuk looks at Jihoon's angry face, twisted in worries.

"So you're mad at him OR worry at him?" said Hyunsuk with a soft smile. Silence.

"Both." said Jihoon still with his angry face.

"Oh why did you suddenly gets into my room? Anything you want to tell me?" Jihoon looks at Hyunsuk. The man bites his lower lip for a several second before opening his mouth.

"Yesterday... " It's Hyunsuk turn to talk. "I met him" Jihoon lifts his head. He seems interested in what Hyunsuk just said.

"What did y'all do?" asked Jihoon.

"Just like usual. Nothing special. But I think something's wrong with me" said Hyunsuk

"Whenever I go there, I feel weak. Like something is draining my..... power" said Hyunsuk. he lifts his head to look at Jihoon. "Does it happen to you as well?" he continues. 

"No" said Jihoon. 

"But yesterday it does"


Yoshi is lying on his bed while staring at the dark blue ceiling of his room. He sighs. He can't believe what he just did yesterday.

"Yutaire.... Valentina... Trakeis' magics..." Those words suddenly pop back up in his mind. Yoshi holds his head in pain. He knows too much.

"I want to forget, please..." His eyes starts tearing up.

Yesterday night in Jaehyuk's room...

"Give me the answer..." whispered Yoshi while looking at sleeping Jaehyuk. Junghwan who is sitting on the floor at the side of the bed is asleep too.

Yoshi holds Jaehyuk's head. He closes his eyes and tries to connect with Jaehyuk's mind. Darkness, darkness and just darkness... He can't find any vision. So he didn't stop. He just keep searching.

There, there! At the middle! He finally founds one. But, it's colorless, this is not Jaehyuk's...

Is this my memory? No no if it's mine, why is it in Jaehyuk's?

Yoshi follows it.

And he sees a confusing vision. A broken one. The past, no one knows. He tried to get out but it was too late. He's gone too deep.

And he looks too much.

The one that he shouldn't look.

The darkest past.

A broken vision...

Valentina's memories...

Ok y'all are probably confused right now. Just wait for the next chapter okay? I'll spill the tea slowly ;)

Anyways, press those star button pls? It may seems unimportant to y'all but it helps me with this story a lot. (not forcing, just asking)

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