Chapter 12

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"Hyung, why do you like being here so much?" Haruto asked Asahi who was carrying a pile of books from the shelves to his desk. He looks around the library. It's such a huge and magnificent library. Cream coloured double doors are open into the library. There's a big globe, a writing desk, some paintings, a magnificent fireplace, carpets and a few chairs on the colourful ceramic floor to accompany the big wooden table. The library possesses thousands of shelves and endless books with some staircases and ladders that lead people to the higher shelves of books. There are two long windows with long beige curtains. And the walls and shelves are decorated with aesthetic brown vintage, giving an extreme classical vibes. 

"Well because the environment is calming? I don't know. I just like being here" said Asahi carelessly. He sits on one of the chair right next to Junghwan and Jeongwoo. Haruto approaches them.

"Hyung, about yesterda- " Jeongwoo quickly shuts Junghwan's mouth with his hand to prevent him from talking. Haruto looks at them.

"What's with yesterday?" Haruto starts being suspicious of them. He stares at Jeongwoo. 

"Ah nothing. Haha" said Jeongwoo awkwardly. He takes his hand off Junghwan's mouth. 

Suddenly the library's door opened, swerving everyone's attention there. It's Jaehyuk. And he's wearing... cloak? What's going on in his sane mind to roam around the castle in cloak?

"Ruto? I thought you were with Yoshi" said Jaehyuk after seeing Haruto. He saw Haruto standing in front Yoshi's room so he assumes Haruto is hanging out with Yoshi. And it turns out he's here.

"Oh Yoshi hyung is sleeping I guess" said Haruto. He knocks on Yoshi's door room many times but that guy didn't open it. Jaehyuk who was still standing at the entrance approaches them.

"Asahi, I think..." said Jaehyuk while looking at Asahi. The smaller guy lifts his head. His face is twisted in confusion.

"I should-" said Jaehyuk.

"Should what?" said Haruto. He's so confused right now.

"No. Whatever you're trying to say, it's a no from me" said Asahi. He ignores Jaehyuk who was standing beside him and back to read his book.

Jaehyuk exhales. He walks to the old library room and open the door. He enters the room right away. Haruto startled.

"Yoon Jaehyuk!!" shouted Asahi when he realizes what Jaehyuk's trying to do. He quickly running after Jaehyuk. The other guys look at each other innocently and follow Asahi.

Jaehyuk runs to the spell room. He approaches the desk. 

"Yaaa Yoon Jaehyuk!! What are you doing?!" Asahi who just arrives quickly grabs Jaehyuk's hand. He breathes roughly because he's tired of chasing Jaehyuk. Haruto, Jeongwoo and Junghwan also just arrive at the room.

"I wasn't doing anything" said Jaehyuk cluelessly. He glances at Asahi's hand who is holding his.

"Then why did you run here??" asked Asahi before letting go of Jaehyuk's hand. He's still panting, trying to catch air.

"I just want to see the memory glass" said Jaehyuk while grabbing Asahi's grey memory glass.

"What's this?" said Haruto. He looks around in confusion. And he found something that caught his eyes. A picture of them with the king. Asahi takes it back from Haruto. 

"Ruto-ya go upstairs. They are probably looking for you" said Asahi. It was 6:15 pm. Haruto ignores him.

"There are other people outside this castle??" said Haruto while looking at them. 

"Probably" said Asahi calmly.

"Then where are they now? Why are we alone in this castle??" asked Haruto curiously. 

"No one knows, okay? That's what I'm trying to figure out right now" said Asahi. He approaches Haruto and pat Haruto's back to calm him down.

"I'm sure someone do knows. But they just, don't tell us" said Jeongwoo. Asahi knows that he's talking about the oldest three right away.

Jaehyuk looks at the grey memory glass in his hand. He's becoming eager.

"Asahi, are you sure there are someone out there?" said Jaehyuk while looking at Asahi. They made eye contact for seconds. Asahi exhales.


"Yes." he said confidently. Jaehyuk smiles.

"Okay then" he closes his eyes and starts imagining the place in Asahi's memory glass. His body starts glowing and the objects around him floats in sense of strong magic. 

Asahi realizes what's happening right now. "No Yoon Jaehyuk!!!!" shouts Asahi while running to him and trying to grab Jaehyuk's hand, preventing him to go but he's too late. Jaehyuk vanishes into thin air. His lost creates a shockwave that pushes everyone in the room to fall on the floor. Causing all the candles to extinguish, the glowing orbs, potions and the cauldron losing its gleams and shines in a split of second. The room is now dark without a source of light.

Silence dominating the room.

"Yoon Jaehyuk you dumbass!" whispered Asahi to himself while punching the floor in mixed feelings. He holds his head in pain, feeling an emotional pressure in him, regret, worried, panic. His body starts shuddering in fear, as he thought about the consequences.

"Hyung...." They all pay attention to Junghwan who suddenly voices. That guy was lying on the floor unconsciously. 

"Junghwan-ah what's wrong??" said Asahi in panic. He quickly runs to Junghwan and holds Junghwan's head. The two other guy approaches them. Junghwan mumbled something that they didn't hear what is it. The boy slowly closes his eyes and faints.

"Ju-Junghwan-ah?? Yaaa don't play at time like this!" Asahi shakes Junghwan's body in panic.

"Arghhh" Jeongwoo suddenly groans. He almost fall to the ground if Haruto didn't catch him.

"Yaaa Jeongwoo why?? said Haruto. He slaps Jeongwoo cheeks slowly to awaken him but no response. Jeongwoo is still conscious but he keeps holding his arm. Suddenly Haruto feels a sharp pain on his body. He falls on the ground with Jeongwoo still on his arm.

"Haruto are you okay??!!" Asahi shouts seeing Haruto looks like he's possessed. He lifts his head up while breathing heavily, like he's burning. His whole body is sweating.

"My wounds...." Haruto mumbles in pain. Asahi put Junghwan on the floor and approaches him. He unbuttons Haruto shirt revealing..... 

his red wounds, starting to swell again. Haruto's heat is filling the dark room, like he is a burning demon himself.

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