Chapter 21

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This chapter might be a little awkward because I don't really know how to write happy scenes :/ (I'm happier with angst ✌🏻🤧)

"Annyeong~" greeted Doyoung who enters the library with Yoshi. The people who are in the library pays attention to them and the corners of their lips rose. 

"Annyeong. Thought you want to stay on bed forever" said Jihoon teasing Doyoung who just woke up. He's standing at the huge windows, moving the curtains to let in some sunlight fills the dark library. Doyoung and Yoshi approaches the big wooden table where the others are. There are towers of book on it.

"Aigoo Park Jihoon, just let that poor boy rest." said Junkyu who is sitting on one of the chairs with chuckles. Jihoon approaches and tickles him to death. He's laughing his head off and causing the others to laugh as well because of the funny sounds he made.

For the first time in forever, real laughs are filling the room. Not forced, not controlled, just joys genuinely showed in the spot. Hyunsuk smiles in grateful seeing the scene in front of him right now. This is the family he always wanted. Full of happiness and love. 

They have settled it all down yesterday. Promised to never bring up their weaknesses or their superiority anymore. He looks at Asahi. The man is smiling ear to ear, exposing his deep dimples. Hyunsuk feels very emotional right now. He don't want to push Asahi to just forget about what happened, cause he knows how much Asahi is affected by their behavior in the past. The least that they could do is helping Asahi to move on from his 'negativity thoughts' phase. He's very thankful that Asahi already forgave and never blamed them for what happened. Even though he have all the rights to. 

He looks at Haruto. Yes, it's a miracle. Yesterday night, Haruto's wounds became worse. Swollen and boiling. He can barely moves himself. But after Jaehyuk comes back, his wounds suddenly heal themselves. And didn't even leave any scars just like it never existed in the first place. Hyunsuk feels very grateful.

But only one thing Hyunsuk is still disappointed with himself. He didn't tell them the real truth yet. After Jaehyuk came back, everything goes back to normal, they got their power back. But Jaehyuk didn't talk about what happened to him last night however Hyunsuk believes he does encountered something. Because he looks very anxious even right now, he consistently biting his lower lip out of uneasiness or probably..... curiosity. Jaehyuk also keeps stealing glances at him.

He must have found something... Or probably, someone.

"Hyunsuk hyung" Hyunsuk woke up from his over-thinking mind, hearing his name suddenly got mentioned. He moves his sight to Jeongwoo who called him just now. The man is looking at him with confused puppy eyes. The spotlight shifts to both of them in a split of second.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Hyunsuk chuckles awkwardly.

"Yes, I'm okay. Sorry I just got carried in my thoughts" Hyunsuk quickly making up excuses to cover himself and carves a smile on his mouth, as sincere as he could. And the others seem to be buying it and moves their attention away from him. Hyunsuk exhales in relief. He looks away but his eyes suddenly got caught at Yoshi. That man is looking at him seriously.

Ah I forgot that this kid exists. 

"Eh where's Asahi?" Yedam's voice cracks their 3 second uncomfortable eye contact session. The others start wilding their eyes around, searching for Asahi who suddenly dissapears.

"He goes into the old library just now when you guys were chatting" answered Jaehyuk who was standing beside one of the bookselves and leaning to it like a supermodel. Yedam stands up from his seat and walks away to the spell room after hearing the reply.

"Where are you going?" said Mashi while looking at Yedam who is leaving. Yedam turns his upper body facing Mashi.

"See Asahi" said Yedam before entering the old library. He shuts the door. Jaehyuk bites his lower lip.

Can't leave them alone. Yedam will hurt Asahi again, thought Jaehyuk.

"Ehhh Jaehyuk, where are you going now?" said Hyunsuk after seeing Jaehyuk walking away to the old library. 

"See them" said Jaehyuk before entering the old library. Hyunsuk moves his lips trying to mouth something in . Jihoon holds Hyunsuk's hand. Hyunsuk looks at his face that's signalling just let them be.

"What if they fight again?" Hyunsuk whispers to Jihoon. He bites his lips.

"They are grown ass men. They'll settle it all by themselves. Don't worry" whispered Jihoon calmly.

Hyunsuk sighs. He feels very anxious but he tries to put trust on them to not fight. Yes, he have to stop controlling them like kids. And stop over thinking. Hyunsuk forms a soft smile in silence.

I can do it.

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