Chapter 4

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Hyunsuk turns into a crow and fly up the stairs to the tower quietly. The stair is very long. He took a long time to reach the peak. After minutes flying, he finally reach the room. He turns into his human form in front of the door. Hope I won't cause any trouble, he said in mind.

 Hope I won't cause any trouble, he said in mind

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He finally knocks the door. "Choi Hyunsuk here" he said. Not loud but enough to tell the person in the room that he's coming in. He slowly opens the door. Once he's in, he shuts the door. In front of him, there's a man sitting on his throne turning his back on Hyunsuk. The room is very small and dark with strange neon like gases that god knows what.

"Hello. Choi Hyunsuk. It's been a while since the last time you visit me." The person turns his chair around and faces Hyunsuk. His beard is as long as his hair which is shoulder length. He's dressed fancily just like a rich man. "Any updates about your brothers?" he continues

Hyunsuk really feels the chills whenever he's here. The room is very hot but it has strange aura that he have no idea what is it. "Yes.... Your Majesty" replied Hyunsuk. "Jeongwoo able to make a force field not just for himself but others too. Junghwan can call animals from miles away. Yedam can hear everything loud and clear now, except through lemon of course" said Hyunsuk while glancing to the walls of the room that's coated with lemon. To block Yedam's power, he said in mind. 

"Nice" the King said in smirk. He looks at Hyunsuk. "You guys are turning 120 soon right? Interesting..." Hyunsuk is confused.

"What's so special about 120?" he asked. 

"Nothing. Now go" the man said. Hyunsuk walks to the door to leave. He's still confused about what the King just told him.

"Hyunsuk" King Lee Yang Sob suddenly calls him again. Hyunsuk turns around. The man is looking at him.

"Take care of your brothers well. Train their powers to the maximal level" he said with mysterious smile.


Hyunsuk walks down the stairs. He's still thinking about his conversation with the king just now. The one thing that he realized is that the king always ask about their powers whenever Hyunsuk meets him.

Only the oldest four knows that the king is still alive. But only Hyunsuk and Jihoon is allowed to meet him. Because the king forbid Yoshi to get close to him. Junkyu? Hyunsuk and Jihoon don't allow him to cause he might gets scared and starts a typhoon in the castle.

Hyunsuk sighs. He didn't mean to hide this from the others. But the king requests them to tell everyone he's dead. Reason? No one knows. He's just following the king's order. 

The king lives there ever since. No one go near the tower so no one found out about it. After all the tower is surrounded by rats, bugs and cobwebs.

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