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**Story begins where Shivaay and Annika separated after Pinky's intervention. Almost a year had passed, and Annika regretted for a long time for leaving Shivaay believing in Pinky's threats to expose that he is an illegitimate  heir. Soon after regret turned into hate. How could he always judge her and believe that she could change just like that at the flick of a switch. How could she love such an egoistic moron? Meanwhile Shivaay is broken, whatever he could feel when He was with Annika he couldn't feel anymore. He felt betrayed and all he knew was that he hated her with all his life for making him feel in the first place. ***

Annika woke up annoyingly to her 6 o'clock alarm. She still wasn't a morning person. At times like this she missed him. How peacefully she could sleep next to him, how gently he would wake up and make breakfast for her, let her sleep in past 8, and sometimes just place a peck on her forehead before leaving for work. "Arrrrrgh, snap out of idiot!" She cursed herself  for starting the day remembering the last person on earth she wanted to. She quickly had a shower, and started getting ready for work. Over this year she's had her ups and downs trying to find work, support Sahil, she was surprised to know that Shivaay had been in touch with him, despite what happened between them. But she would not take any sympathy from a man who was convinced that she was a gold digger. She's been working day and night to pay the debt she owed him. She was not going to let her silly heart hold her back. She was almost there, if she strikes this event for her company, she'll be able to write a cheque and throw it on the smug faces of Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi.

Annika had moved to Delhi with her friend Chanda after their breakup. She didn't want to bump into Shivaay even accidentally. She had been in a pit of agony, blaming herself, drowning in self pity when her friend Chanda announced she's getting married. In an attempt to drag her friend out of her own misery Chanda had suggested Annika to organise her wedding. Planning the wedding, turned out to be a great distraction for Annika, and it also gave her the opportunity to join the biggest event management company. Chanda was getting hitched to Rana, best friend of "the Mr.Neil Lakotiya"business tycoon. He was impressed with the poise, elegance and the desi touch Anikka had. Mr.Lakotiya had offered her a job as a trainee and "Khidkitod"  Annika had soon worked her way up to event manager. Though she wasn't fluent in English, her bubbly attitude, and her personality had won many clients hearts and she was soon a sought after wedding planner in town. She was able to move into her own apartment and her Scooty champa was soon replaced by Chandi her jeep.

She grabbed a piece of toast, her black coffee, which she dearly called  "Saira Banu" and ran down to head out before the traffic hits. She was going to get this event deal somehow.

***Annika parks at the clients gate***A massive mansion twice the size of the Oberoi mansion awaits***

"Woah, what a Khidkitod home, no mansion, no castle!" Annika argued with herself. "Umm excuse me I am here to meet Mr. Ranjeev Rhatod?"  "You mean Raj kumar?" A stern looking secretary by the front desk corrected her. "Yeah yeah raj kumar, Dilip Kumar, Whoever is getting married. I am here to get their wedding planned!" Annika blurred out. "Hmm follow me" the lady lowered her spectacles and gave her a hopeless look. She lead her through a wide corridor that was adorned with ancient artefacts, paintings of royals. After Annika was about to pant with all the walking they finally reached a study area, where there was piles and piles of books stacked up, and in a remote corner she could see a writing table with just one reading light on. "That's him you shall meet him now!" The secretary less matron more lady pointed at the dark figure sitting in the corner busy hiding his face in a very thick book.

Annika felt slight shivers down her spine, as she has to walk through the dimly lit room as her fear of darkness lurked within. For a brief moment she remembered the countless times she felt so safe, secure in Shivaays arms, how he cradled her like a baby whenever she was afraid of the dark. "NO" she blurted out so loud to snap out of her trance, while pinching her self so hard. The dark figure lifted his head from the book and looked at her. He immediately switched the lights on as he noticed this pale, shivering girl standing by the door way. He noticed that she was slender, her hair was long and wavy. She had closed her eyes so tightly and her fists were clenched and her left hand was adorned with an odd looking bracelet with moons. He slowly made his way towards her.

"Hello, I am Raj, are you okay?" Annika slowly opened her eyes, and she was towered by a tall handsome figure, and the lights had come on full bright.  "Errr errr sorry yes Mr.Rhatod it's me Annika, from Lakotiya events." She quickly brushed off her nervousness as the room was well lit now, "I am here to plan your wedding! And I promise you it's going to be the most Khidkitod wedding of the century!". Raj smiled at her confidence " Ms.Annika, I have not decided on my wedding planner. Yet here you are declaring yourself as mine?" Annika didn't hesitate for a moment " Well if you do want the best, I am the best" and winked.  Raj was taken a back but he blurted out laughing and she joined him. Meanwhile the secretary stood by the door way with a lot of tea flabbergasted mouth half way open in awe of her bosses reaction. "Ah Aruna, leave the tea here please. Ms.Annika how do you like your tea?" Annika hesitated " Errm I actually wouldn't mind a Saira Baanu". "Saira Baanu? What's that?" Aruna looked annoyed as she now had to figure out what in the world of a drink is that. "Oh sorry I mean a black coffee" Annika smiled sheepishly.

"Interesting" Raj sipped his tea, while looking at the plans Annika had brought in for his wedding. "By the way where is the bride to be?" Annika asked. " Shes on the way you'll meet her soon" Raj brushed her off. After half an hour of scrutiny, Raj finally agreed to hand over the event to Annika. "Oh thank you thank you sooo much Mr. Rhatod" she almost jumped in joy. " Its Raj, call me Raj", they shook hands.

****Meanwhile Shivaay***

He woke up to another hangover. He was out partying with Ragini last night. Most of his nights have been a blurr and he liked it that way. He tried getting out of the bed but Ragini was entangled on him like a black widow. He looked under the bedsheet nervously and was glad to see that they were both dressed. With a sigh of relief and a weird pain that was radiating through his chest he got on his bike and rode home. His mom Pinky was waiting by the door and he walked past her as if she was a ghost. He didn't mean to but he was a bit like that these days. Only time he felt himself was the time he spent with OMRU. They had their own trials in life, and Shivaay being the Great Wall was not going to crumble down on them. He was strong no Pannika can drown him. After all he still was SSO and no gold digging 2Rs girl is going to break him "WTF am I using her words!" He cursed himself.

He entered his bedroom, packed a suit case, and was leaving " Shivaay have some breakfast" Daadi (Grandma), lovingly invited. " No Daadi, I have an important meeting with the Rhatods in Delhi, I gotta go", he gave her a quick hug, and a kiss on her cheek and walked off. Pinky looked on with tears in her eyes, and Daadi sighed.

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