Best friends

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Annika woke up in her apartment feeling so exhausted! She felt happy knowing she and Shivaay are in good terms and she's going to give herself another chance in life at moving on. She was still in bed when Neil called her " Hey my star! How are you? So we have Malhotras meeting at 2 PM can you make it?", " Yes Neil I'll be there! I have some new ideas I can't wait to show you!" " That's my girl!  Hey how about we catch up for a coffee after?" Smooth Neil " hmmm okay!" She said  " Alright it's a date then!" 

"Neil thank you for everything! I hope no hard feelings about the wedding?" 

" Are you crazy? If not for Omru and Daadi trying to involve me in their plan to bring you two closer...I'd never be able to realise my feelings for you! I am glad I played along..and...Hey sorry I didn't tell you about it earlier! I promised Daadi!"

" I know they meant well, but Shivaay and me we are better off this way Neil we are very different people!" .

" I know super star! But I also know you love him, so if you ever change your mind you have to promise me you'll tell me first? I am your best friend after all?" He truly was Annika thought.

" Yes Neil I promise! We are just friends now! I want to start my life fresh!"

"I am happy to be your fresh start!" Neil cracked one of his lame jokes over the phone making Annika laugh.

She put on the coffee machine, and went back to bed lazily. When she finally got up to enjoy her "Saira Baanu" the door bell rang startling her making her choke on her own coffee. Annoyed that it was the milk delivery guy coming for collection  she quickly collected the old bottles of milk and opened the door handing them over with money. " Dhoot Bhaiya I told you not to disturb me early in the morning! Here your bottles and here's your money!" She was about to close the door on his face, when she smelled a familiar aftershave. It was Shivaay, without a word he just walked in handing her the crate of bottles back.

"Shivaay???What are you doing here?"  She asked perplexed. He was walking around the apartment now looking appalled at the mess she was living in. " Good Morning to you too Annika!"  " What is this mess? How are you living?" He started to fold her cloths from a pile of laundry sitting on the couch. "Leave it Shivaay! It's your fault! I was stuck in Mumbai for so long I couldn't clear up!"  She pulled on the t-shirt he was nearly folding back. " What do you mean Pannika! You always very messy! You don't even know how to fold a bloody t shirt!" He pulled the t-shirt back pulling her on to him with it in to his arms. Her hair smelt so good he felt his arms tightening around her waist. " Shivaay stop smelling my hair! We are friends JUST friends remember?" He released her and retorted back "Yeah right like you weren't smelling my aftershave?" She blushed, and walked away. "Saira Banu?" She asked him extending a cup of coffee. " You and black coffee?" Shivaay asked surprised. She shrugged her shoulders remembering how she was desperately trying to hang on to his memories an year ago. They both walked up to the window, sipping their coffee. " Nice little place you got your self here! Small...but nice!" He said.  " Thank You! It is nice isn't it?" She said smiling feeling proud. " So what are you doing here?" " I had a meeting around the corner, so I thought I'll stop by see my friend! Why not happy to see me?" "Well it's not that Shivaay, I wasn't expecting to see you this soon that's all..but I am happy to see look good !" She said genuinely. "I am feeling better!" He said smiling.  " Did OmRu take you out to Goa?" She asked teasingly. " Why what's so special about Goa?" He asked. " Errrm Nothing!" She shrugged. It can't be Nothing? Tell me what's in goa? Have you been?"
"Yeah last year for an event I went with Neil and the office gang! It was fun!" She said reminiscing a few carefree moments she spent on the beach.  "So tell me what's in Goa?"  He raised his eyebrow. " Oh never mind Shivaay cmon drink your coffee!" She pushed him a little.
His phone rang " Yes Mishra! Okay I'll be there!" I gotta go thank you for the coffee! Next time maybe we can go to Goa and smoke whatever you smoked? He winked at her making her blush more and handed the mug back over. Their fingers touched for a moment causing a sparkle of static. He winked again and left in a hurry.

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