A proposal

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Annika recovered after the incident with the help of all the caring men in her life. OmRu has been flying up and down to see her, and Neil was visiting her almost everyday for Shivaay's annoyance, but he liked the guy. Shivaay insisted on moving in with her for a month to make sure she's looked after. That one month they were living together in Annika's small apartment was refreshing, and joyful for both of them. He cooked breakfast for her, they had their morning coffee chats by the window. He did a few business meetings here and there, but most of the day and time, he spent with her, helping her around. His favourite part of the day, however was helping Annika get dressed. No matter how important the business call was he would just appear out of thin air like a genie that was summoned whenever it was  bath time. As her shoulder was hurt, he had to sleep on the sofa, but most nights, he would just drag the quilt down by her bed, and sleep on the floor next to her. Once Annika almost stepped on his neck in the middle of the night, and he was convinced she did it out of spite because he hogged on the sports channel that day over some cheesy ass movie she wanted to watch. Now that she finally recovered, and it was time to get back to work, Annika was excited. Finally she was going to get out of this god forsaken bed. Shivaay was a strict matron, it was hard to even lift a finger without his permission.

"You better look after yourself!" He placed a peck on her cheek and pushed her aside, getting ready for work at the same time, pretending to share mirror with her. "Can you use the one in the bathroom? Stop hogging my mirror Shivaay!" She pushed him aside annoyed trying to wear an earring with her sore hand. "Huh? I have to get ready too! I am meeting some Japanese delegates today! Have to be the best shades of SSO!" he said while fixing his hair. She turned around and messed his hair "There you go, go use the mirror in the bathroom NOW!". Annoyed he grabbed her wrists "SSO doesn't take orders from anyone! If you want to, you go and use the mirror in the bathroom!" He huffed. "Oh really? This is my house! My rules!" She huffed back. Shivaay just lifted her up and moved her aside, and continued to fix his hair ignoring her. " I warned you Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi!" She left to return with a jug of water from the kitchen. "ANNIKA NO! NOOO!" Before he could react she had splashed the water over him. "Now you'll HAVE TO USE the bathroom mirror" Annika glared. "YOU!!!" He snatched her by the waist, carried her to the bathroom and ran the cold shower over her. "SHIVAAAY! I hate you! I hate you!" She struggled to get away from the shower. As she realised she was not going to win this one she decided to pull in him into the cubicle making him equally wet.

There they were both hot and bothered, under a running cold shower. Shivaay pinned her to the side of the cubicle, and started kissing her. She started to remove his jacket, and almost just ripped his white shirt off of him which was now wet, and hugging on to his chest. He was devouring her lips, tasting her cherry lipstick that was now mixed with the cold water. He pulled her off shoulder top down to her waist, gaining access to the lace bra covering her breast . He just couldn't wait any longer to feel them. On his way down, he kissed her neck, the mark of her bullet wound, making her wince, and finally unhooked her bra, exposing her soft mounds of heaven. While he was suckling on them and caressing them, her back arched and she pulled on his hair with desire. She was responding to the artistry of his tongue. She pushed him back suddenly, taking him by surprise while he was busy working on her breasts. She kissed him hard, and started to unbuckle his pants and he stopped her "If you start this time, I won't be able to stop!" He whispered in her ear almost breathless. She proceeded on what she started. Hell, when did she ever listen to him anyway, she was not ready yet, but it all felt like a moment that he should throw his common sense out of the window. They missed each other's touch for almost a month now and it was all pouring down under the cold shower this morning. She unbuckled his pants, and started to run her hands down. She started kissing him trailing down from his lips, to chest, to his naval, and she finally, kissed him down where he was most sensitive. When her lips consumed the girth of his manhood, all he could do was just close his eyes in ecstasy and let out a groan, "FUCK!". She started moving up and down slowly, making his head spin. He held on to the glass behind him for support while holding her wet hair from the other. She soon started to move faster and faster, making him breathless. He just kept his eyes closed, losing himself in ecstasy created by this nymph of a woman. Her nails were digging on to the back of his thighs now, as she worked him up close to reaching relief for all that was pent up. As her lips worked artfully, suckling on to the nooks and crevices of his nerves, he finally gave in and exploded. He slid down the glass cubicle and sat on the floor in exhaustion, and he pulled her into his arms and kissed her, tasting him on her. He wiped off her lips with the running water and placed another kiss of gratitude feeling relieved, and adoring her. Fuck he was a lucky man. Maybe just the luckiest.

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