"Cheque" Mate

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Shivaay woke up with a banging headache to his alarm. He could only remember bits and pieces from last night. "My star!" Neils last words to Annika flashed by his eyes, and he threw his mobile phone across the room.  He groggily made his way to the shower and as the hot water hit his body, it stung. His skin had turned red with nail marks by his collarbone, his arms and his palm. He ran his finger on the skin where Annika had left her marks and closed his eyes tight. Scenes from last night kept coming back to him, he punched the wall in frustration. "Why why why?" Why did she come back? He cursed his fate. "Sir are you there? may I come in?" It was Khanna, he wouldn't have disturbed him unless it was urgent. He wrapped up his shower and changed to his kurta pyjamas quickly. "Come in Khanna". " Sir there is an important courier and it couldn't wait and your signature is needed" he was looking down as he handed over the envelope. " Who is it from? Malhotras?" He questioned and to his dismay "No sir, it's Ms.Annika!"

He signed off Khanna, and he opened the envelope with care. Was she finally suing him for alimony? It is about time. He was waiting for the day that he can finally say it out loud, Annika is a shameless gold digger! And perhaps today was his lucky day. What he found inside stunned him. It was a cheque written to Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi, for 80 lakhs, and a pair of bangles he gifted her on their engagement, the only gift he gave her. Attached was a letter:

Dear Mr. Oberoi,

I hereby pay off 80 lakhs to cover my debt to you.  I appreciate the financial support you extended towards Sahil, and myself when we were under your care.

However we won't be needing your support any further. As you are a keen businessman and would be expecting a return on your investment I have added in the 10 crore valued bangles herewith and  please make a note that I am no longer indebted to you financially. 

As  I haven't gone through the legal channels with respect to our past relationship, I do hope you would do the same and accept this cheque  without letting your Mt. Everest sized ego come in the way.

Yours Sincerely,
P.S. I have checked if it's the right number of 0s, Thank You and Good Bye!

Shivaay crushed the letter into a ball in his fist. He took the cheque to his hand and teared it in to pieces. How could she think whatever he did was for money? He loves Sahil like his own brother. She was his wife for heavens sake. She was his responsibility. Why would she throw money at his face when she should be asking him for alimony? Isn't that what a gold digger like Annika should be doing? She surely confused the shit out of him. This reminded him the time she broke his windscreen and threw his money  back at him, and the time she check mate him, when he thought he finally bought her off.

"Shivaay, where were you last night? I was trying to reach you all night? How can you disappear like this without telling me?" Pinky found a rather perplexed little boy staring at her instead of Shivaay. " Why son, what happened? Why are you standing there like a statue?" She was concerned. "Nothing mom, Annika just sent me a cheque saying she's paid off  her debts...debts" he said grudgingly. " What? How did that cheap skate, skank, got money to pay Oberoi's off? For sure she would have trapped some other poor rich boy and showing off with his money"It hurt him when Pinky was talking about Annika this way. His Annika was sweet, loved his family as her own, generous, kind, and valued her self respect above everything and she was his pride. That day he saw a different person...and today again after 1 year here he is questioning himself again, why isn't she behaving like the greedy middle class woman like the day they parted.  "Yeah mom, you are right she's marrying a prince...huh!" He decided to go with his mothers theory instead. " How do you know?" Pinky was upset to know he was still interested in keeping up to date about Annika. Shivaay ignored her presence once again, ran his fingers through his hair, with an evil glint in his eyes "Khanna get my chopper ready, we are going to Delhi".


Annika was  over the moon. She had finally paid off "Bagad Billa" Sri Sri Maharaj Shivaay Singh Oberoi's debt. She didn't owe him a penny now. She felt relieved and empowered. She couldn't wait to start her life over, even if it was going to be a life without him. Flashbacks from day before was still haunting her from time to time. She had a few bruises on her wrists, waist which was tender and her lips were swollen as if it was bitten by a bee. "Asshole " she muttered under her breath. She tried to shake it off and concentrate on her client instead.  She was meeting with Raj to discuss themes for the wedding today.

"Let's go with black and Gold" Raj finalised. " Okay I would have suggested to go with red but hey it's your wedding!" She chuckled. " Btw where is your bride? Shouldn't she be adding her two sense to this party?" " She's a bit tide up at the moment" Raj said with a matter of fact look on his face. "Oh well next time then, I have a lot to finalise, I'll meet you tomorrow?". "Annika why don't you and your team stay at the palace until the preparations are over? After all I am your biggest client and I would like some personal attention?" Annika hesitated, but as it was  a work call she agreed. "Perfect, so the next 14 days you will be a dedicated event manager for all the events at the palace!" He declared. 

The Rathod Palace had confusing architecture. Annika needed google maps to navigate through the household. The confusing corridors led to many dark rooms that she wasn't very fond of. On her way out from the study, towards the terrace to finalise the arrangements, she passed by a room that had massive iron bars and locks as if something dangerous was hidden behind them.  She could swear she heard a faint squeal coming from inside. She pressed her ear against the door trying to hear better when she was interrupted. " Ahem, Ms.Annika this is out of bounds for you and your team what are you doing here?" It was the stern secretary Aruna. She lowered her glasses, and gave her a look that principles would give to naughty children. "Oh sorry, but this place is so big I need a map to navigate around" she blurted innocently. " I'll see to that, Now the terrace would be to your left from here, and then take the first right and by the portrait of queen mother you take a right again and Ms.Annika I have your room ready in the southern wing it's just overlooking the terrace". Annika nodded acknowledging Aruna's directions, and she hurried off.

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