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Shivaay glared as Neil entered the Oberoi mansion. He liked this guy, for helping him, and he was grateful to him, for saving Annikas life, but at this very moment he was his enemy. "Hey man how are you?" He gave a quick handshake to Shivaay. He said his hello's to the rest of the gang, who was sipping hot chocolate Shivaay made for them. "Why are you here? I mean at this time?" Shivaay asked bluntly. " I am here for my star! Where is she? Annika!".  OMRU and the others sensed a flash of jealousy on Shivaays face, and decided to poke some fun. " Hey Neil, my star huh? So does Annika Bhaabi calls you my moon?" Shivaay coughed. "Haha....good one Rudy, but wait Bhaabi?" Neil questioned. "Oh you didn't know? Shivaay and Annika was married before, they just divorced last year,  but she's still our own!" OM elaborated. "OH...now I get it...." Neil smirked, finally identifying the cause to the weird vibes he's been getting from Shivaay. " You get what Neil?" Shivaay asked him annoyingly. "No the hate chemistry between the two of you!  It's pretty obvious you two start shooting daggers at each other every time!" Neil said making everyone laugh. OMRU high fived Neil "We like you already Neil!". "So Neil are you taking Annika Bhaabi back today?" Bhavya asked. "She wants to go home, and Sahil is coming over tomorrow as well, so I think it will be a good change for my star!". Neil knows Sahil too? So this guy is taking over his place in Sahils life too? Shivaay felt uneasy. "So Neil do you like our Annika Bhaabi?" Gauri asked winking at Neil. "Hey she's my Bhaabi I am not sharing her with anyone!" Rudra blurted making everyone laugh. " Don't be so possessive putter, we have to learn to share! And Annika will not forget us wherever she is I am sure." It was Daadi. "Daadi...." Shivaay tried interrupting. " So tell us putter, how did you meet Annika? And do you like her?" . Neil coughed out at the old lady's boldness. "Daadi...don't make the guests uncomfortable" Shivaay whispered. "Hutt, What I am just talking to Neil, I am sure he won't mind, after all it's time the two of you move on with your lives. Move on move on Shivaay hated this word.
"Err I never thought about her that way Daadi. We met at work, and I care for her a lot, and shes hard working, smart, funny, and she's absolutely beautiful!"

At this moment Annika descended from the stairway, looking heavenly, and Shivaay couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was wearing a yellow off shoulder top, and a simple pair of ripped denim pants. Yellow always looked good on her. She had not dried her hair and they were still wet and she had a glow on her forehead, which he silently credited himself to. When she was walking towards them, he couldn't help but mutter out loud "Beautiful!".... I mean "Beautiful..? huh her? Have you seen Ragini, now shes beautiful?" He smirked. "Everyone in Mumbai has seen her Bhaiya!" Rudra said sarcastically. " So you find her beautiful?" Daadi winked at Neil "So why not her that?"  Neil uncomfortably complied "Err... My star...you are looking beautiful!". "Thank you  Neil!" Annika replied with her khidki thod smile. "Awwwwww" everyone awed at the cuteness of this couple as Annika blushed slightly. What? He made her blush? Shivaays blood pressure was now rising, he couldn't imagine Annika blushing for another man. "Khanna, put the A/C on Now, it's so hot!". "Bhaiya A/C is on we are not feeling hot are we guys?" Asked Bhavya to which everyone agreed. " So putter Annika, what do you think about Neil?" Daadi asked Annika, making her slightly uncomfortable, but she endearingly replied "Daadi, Neil was my saving grace!, that's all I can say about him!" Neil was beaming proudly and Shivaay just badly wanted to break or punch something. Sensing his discomfort OM took him aside

"What's bothering you Shivaay? Is it this obvious matchmaking game Daadi is playing?" .

"Matchmaking? What do you mean? They are just talking arn't they? Why would Daadi try to get Annika Hitched?" Shivaay blurted exasperated.

" Why not Shivaay. You know how much Daadi loves Annika Bhaabi. She probably thinks she's all alone in Delhi, and probably wants her to be safe, and happy and move on with her life!".

"Move on? Whats's this bloody moving on? How can someone who already belongs to someone move on? What fucking nonsense!" .

"What are you saying Shivaay? You guys divorced almost a year ago. How can she be yours still?Or you still want her to be?" OM enquired with one eye brow lifted in a question mark.

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