New Beginings

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Shivaay was sleeping like a baby. Annika couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. He was just holding on to her and not letting her go. Eventually he fell asleep on her lap, and she stayed up checking up on him. She was caressing his hair hoping he'll just stay asleep, looking peaceful and forget about all of this. But it wasn't going to be easy. He knew everything now. She let out a sigh, not knowing how she can help him. All she did was in vain. Maybe if she didn't come in to his life Pinky would have never brought this up. Is it all her fault? Maybe Pinky is just right, she is a bad omen in his life. Every time she comes close to him, something bad happens. She couldn't control her tears upon this realisation. She truly had to let him go. She is cause for all of this pain! " Wh..Why are you crying?" He was waking up, softly wiping away her tears. Annika quickly composed herself. " Nothing...Something must have gone in my eye". " What am I doing here?" He asked looking perplexed not remembering how he got here, at the back of her Jeep. "You've had a lot to drink Mister! C'mon time to go home now!"

Annika was driving, and Shivaay was looking at the sky, letting the smooth breeze mess up his hair. It almost looked as if he was enjoying it. "Are you okay Shivaay?" She asked concerned but relieved that he seems to be okay. " I am...I am...Thank You for last night!". He replied still his eyes staring at the sky. He looked a bit like a puppy enjoying the breeze for the first time. "I was such an idiot! Why did you even marry me?" He asked her out of the blue. " Errr cause you made me? You forgot already?" She raised her eyebrow. They both looked at each other and burst out laughing. They were laughing so hard Annika had to park the car on the road side just to gain control. They kept laughing until tears started rolling down. " I am sorry Annika! I made you do a lot of things you don't want to!", he wiped away a tear rolling down her cheek. " I am sorry for everything I did! I...I am sorry". He placed his forehead on hers as if to take back all the bad memories away. Strangely it felt so soothing Annika just wanted to hold on to him for a bit more so she put her arms around his neck. He traced a finger on her cheek. Unbeknown to them their lips met with a soft kiss. It was a kiss that meant a lot to them, as they both knew this was probably the last. Shivaay poured all his emotions out, his pain, his sorrow of losing her and how sorry he is for everything he did and ever said. Annika was forgiving, accepting, kind and she was saying sorry too for all of it and it's time to say goodbye! Shivaay pulled away from the kiss suddenly sensing this.

He stared into her brown doe eyes now welled up in tears "Are you leaving me?"

"Goodbye Shivaay! She smiled and placed a kiss on on his cheek.

He felt the same sharp pain in his chest he felt the day she left him but he knew she has to figure things out on her own. If she leaves again perhaps she'll come back to him not because he wants to, but because she wants to. Because she chooses to be with him.

He held her hand tight, and smiled " Are you sure Annika? I don't think anyone else in this planet or universe can live with you?"

"Well that we'll have to see?" She said looking unsure.

" So you are going to marry Neil?" He asked trying his best to mask the pang of jealousy he felt in his gut right now.

"Errr No...Neil is a great guy! OUCH" Shivaay took his hand back as he was unintentionally squeezing her hand so tight.

"Err I meant this time around I want to do it in my terms...not by force...not for anyone else's happiness! You know?" He understood.

" Even so you love someone else already?" He asked her.

"Love is strange confusing thing Shivaay. Up to now more than happiness, love has only given me pain..and strangely even hate...I don't know if I will ever marry out of love...and I think I fell in love with a man who was gigantic, it was never enough!"

" How did you know? We've never done it!" He said cheekily trying to lighten the mood. She pushed him annoyed but smiled. " Shivaay you are a joker!"

"Me? I am not a joker! I am SSO!" He said brushing his fingers through his hair. " Yeah the great SSO whose ego is bigger than his dick!" They both burst out laughing again. " I promise you whatever happens I'll be there for you!" He said truly. "I know...and I will be there for you too!" She said. " So friends?" ...he extended his pinky finger, "Hmmm Friends!" She held it tight with hers. "Friend with benifits?" He tried to give a kiss on her cheek being cheeky, and she pushed him away laughing and blushing a bit " Noooo Just friends!". "We'll see!" Shivaay said with a Cheshire Cat grin on his face and went back to staring at the sky while Annika drove towards The Oberois. When they reached the gate she gave him one last hug and waited out until she could see he is with the family.


"Bhaiya!" The brothers hugged Shivaay so tight he couldn't breath. His brothers love has always been his pride and joy more than being an Oberoi he thought. "You will never leave us again so you hear me?do you hear me?" Om threatened him while Rudra was just a mess crying. "I am sorry!" He said genuinely. "Billu!" Daadi hugged him, crying. "It's okay Daadi I am back! I am never going to leave you I promise! I am sorry!" Annika was in happy tears watching this family reunion. Shivaay gestured at her to come and join them, but she was truly content looking at them from a far. "Where is Bhabi?" Rudra asked. " She left..." Shivaay said sadly. "What do you mean she left?" Om asked. " Didn't you stop her?" Rudy was now annoyed. " Look guys, Annika wants to start her life over, and I agree, we both should! And we are friends now!". " You are what now?" Rudy raised an eyebrow! " Friends Rudy!, Shes my friend now, In fact best friend!" OmRu and Daadi looked at each other trying to comprehend the new information. "You mean your ex wedding planner / ex wife our Bhabi is now your best friend and nothing more ?" Rudy asked. "That's right Rudy! We are friends Just friends" he walked off. Daadi ans OmRu gave each other looks and smirked behind his back. " Friendship is the beginning of love!" Daadi said with hope.

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