A Phantom

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"Damn it! Why do I keep waking up in his arms?" Annika cussed under her breath. She could remember slightly before she passed out that they almost kissed again. Was Neil right? Should she really give them another chance? A chance of doing things right? She was about to leave, when Shivaay, tightened his grip around her. She could feel his hardness pressing against her again "Seriously!!! How horny is this man?" She thought irritably, but at the same time, it brought a smile to her face, knowing that he wanted her even in his sleep.  She slowly got away from his grip, and got ready for work. She looked at Shivaay who was sleeping peacefully, and chuckled at how tables have turned. It was him who use to go to work everyday, and place a kiss on her forehead before heading to work, when she was fast asleep. Now look at him, fast asleep when she was heading out for work. She brewed a fresh cup of coffee, and left a sticky note on it "Drink me", and closed the door behind her softly, not disturbing him. Shivaay woke up, to the smell of fresh coffee, and he was actually starting to enjoy sleeping in till late. These few days he spent at Annika's felt like a vacation that was overdue. Mostly he felt at home, in this little apartment, where the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom everything was just tucked in 900 square feet  possibly lesser than the size of his room at the mansion. It made him realise, where ever she was, it was home. "TRRRIIIIIIING!" The door bell rang, startling Shivaay. "BHAIYAAAAA!" Rudy screamed, banging on the door. Shivaay opened the door to a suffocating hug by him brothers. OmRu  was so thrilled to see him.
"We've been working with Neil to find out all about this Bhaiya, it turns out, it was Raj's men who did this!" Rudy exclaimed.
"Raj? But isn't he in jail?"
"Bhavya confirmed that he's in an institute for the criminally insane, cause his lawyers managed to prove that he needs mental healthcare!"  Rudy said getting on his detective mode on.
"You'll never know he might be just pulling strings from there!" Om added.
" Hmmmn this means he's after everybody who put him in their first place!" Shivaay said matter of factory with a line of worry drawing across his forehead. " That means Annika and Neil are also in danger!"
" Don't worry Shivaay, Neil is on it! He's got Annika Bhaabi trailed by security detail 24/7 and Bhavya has added police protection for both of them. They both are safe as as it gets!, the good news is one of the men they caught have confessed that it was Raj! So maybe by tomorrow we can put a stop to all of this and you can come back home!" , Om informed a rather sad Shivaay.
" Why aren't you happy to be coming back with us?" Rudy asked pouting.
"Hey no... not that...just doesn't feel right...leaving Annika to deal with all of this...after all, she helped me..protected me...and I mean Neil too!"
"You don't feel right leaving Annika Bhabhi behind, or leaving her behind with Neil?" Rudy lifted an eyebrow.
" Oh shut up Rudy!"
"Nevermind, let's think about it later, tonight its the costume party! I got your outfit!" Rudy exclaimed like an overjoyed kid.
" What are you crazy I am not going to wear this!" Shivaay looked appalled.
"Why? It's a cat suit! For the Billu!" Rudy teased.
"Shut up Rudy!"
The three brothers laughed, and hugged each other again. They truly missed each other this week.

Shiv Om Ru arrived at Neils penthouse together. The views were impressive with the city lights, and the night sky line was visible through the glass walls. There was a massive balcony opening up,with a swimming pool , where most of the guests were gathered around sipping drinks. Everyone was in a costume so it was hard to figure out who was whom. Shivaay was dressed in a dashing black suite, and a mask that hid his face partially, just like the phantom of the opera. Om was dressed as Zorro and Rudy claimed he was 007. Neil was a great host, and was brilliant at entertaining people. He finally spot the brothers and greeted them with hugs, which Shivaay didn't care much for. " So how are you guys? Happy to see each other?"  "Of course we missed our big brother!" OmRu both hugged him again, and Shivaay, just pushed them away trying to protect his dignity in front of Neil. " Where is Annika Bhaabi?" Rudy asked impatiently. "Oh she's getting ready! There was an event today, so she came over to change here, she's in the guest room!" Shivaay was clutching  his fist, and OmRu noticed this. "So you guys are close?" Om asked Neil accepting a drink. "We've been on a few dates now, it's going pretty smooth! She's a catch you know Annika! Don't want to rush and mess things up!" He winked at Shivaay, truly making him want to punch him this time. "Shivaay are you okay with all of this?" Om asked Shivaay. How could he in front of Neil? His brothers were not making this any easier, "What do you mean? Why shouldn't I be okay? We are divorced, we are free to meet other people, and Neil is a great guy! She likes him, he likes him! What's it got to do with me? And we are just friends now JUST friends..Just friends!"  "Bhaiya  you just said friends three times, we got it the first time around!" Rudy taunted him. "So Neil are you her BOYFRIEND?" Rudy emphasised, looking at a very uncomfortable Shivaay who was finding it difficult to hide behind his half a mask. " Well she still hasn't accepted it officially, I mean we are best friends first, I even told her she can date other people if she wants to, because honestly what matters is she chooses who she likes and want to be with!"  Neil shrugged sipping on his drink. "Woah that's very mature of you!" Om exclaimed giving a glance at Shivaay. "Bhaiya you still have a chance!" Rudy whispered in Shivaays ear, to which Shivaay elbowed him. " Yeah I know she hates it when her life is controlled! She just want to live it on her own terms! That's what I love about her!". "So if Bhaiya comes  back on to the battle field no hard feelings?" Rudy asked Neil cheekily. "Well it would be tough competition, but hey may the best man win! Cheers!" Neil raised a glass.

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