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"Annika! Putter, come come sit with me!" She was sitting by Daadi, looking all naive and innocent now. Shivaay felt slightly annoyed that everyone seems to underestimate who she is and what she is capable of. Even to this day she is a surprise to him. He was perplexed remembering how dominating she was before and how submissive she is looking right now with her innocent playful smile.  As if she knew he was staring at her, she looked back and winked. He quickly gulped down his drink looking away, and he could almost hear  her taunting him "Billuji!" He decided it was best just to avoid her completely.

Neil walked in with a big smile on his face.  His excitement and happiness was all too obvious. "Hey how are you my star! Hey Shivaay!" Neil gave Shivaay a quick hand shake and gave a hug to Annika, putting his his arm around her shoulder. She was wearing a red colour one shoulder top and Shivaay was getting restless. He quickly interrupted the to be wedded, and dragged Neil to the bar inviting him for a drink.

They sat by the bar having a drink. They talked about how Neil met Annika last year thanks to Chandas wedding, and how he soon found out that she was a dedicated worker and capable of achieving what she puts her heart into. " You know Shivaay, when I met Annika, I somehow knew she was trying to achieve something. At one point it felt like she was working so hard just to prove someone wrong. She told me she has to pay some debt which I assumed cause of her brothers condition, and for the first time in my life I saw a girl, not bothered about her make up, herself, but her family.  I actually started making up incentives for every contract she brought in just to help her out. But when  she realised it she just walked into my office her head held up high and said " Mr. Lakotiya, I don't need your charity!" That was it I knew she was not some girl who was waiting a handsome prince to come and save her from the dragon. She was one who fought the dragon herself!"

Shivaay didn't know how to feel. Neil was actually a nice guy. Hell! he might be even perfect for her.  He appreciated and admired Annika for who she is, for her hard work. What did he do? He insulted her, assumed and blamed her. That's all he's been doing throughout their relationship, as boss & employee, then husband & wife! For once after a long time he felt he doesn't deserve her. He felt this urge to just apologise to her for everything, the past the present and maybe it was actually in her best interest that he'd let her make her own decision as to who she wants to be with. He was not going to pressure her anymore, claim her as his, treat her like something he only owns. He decided that he will rectify his mistakes at least now. Before it was too late. " You okay Shivaay? What are you thinking? Are you thinking about Annika?" Neil asked playfully. " gotta go Neil...Err Business call...!" He excused himself and went looking for Annika.

He looked for her everywhere, and he finally walked into the kitchen and was about to call out to her when he realised there was someone else there. It was Pinky, his mother, taunting her "I told You Annika, you will never ever be my daughter in law! This Oberoi family will never accept some cheap girl who grew up in streets without a mother or a father!" Annikas fists we're clenched, but she kept her eyes low and her head held high despite Pinky's harsh words. Shivaay was about to cut in when Pinky said " I swore the day my son risked his life for you that I will kick you out! And imagine, I didn't even give him birth, and I love him to the extent that I'll go to any length to protect him from a cunning woman like you!". Shivaay felt the floor beneath him was crumbling for a moment what did just Pinky say? She didn't give birth to him? What does she mean? Annika seemed to get worried "Pinky aunty you promised me, that you would never tell Shivaay the truth, if I walk away. I kept my word and I am reminding you again please do keep yours. He should never know!" . Pinky smirked " Don't be all high and mighty! You are anyway getting hitched to another rich boy! I feel sorry for him hey as long as it's not my Shivaay I don't give a dime! You just make sure you stay the hell away from him, and this family!". "Pinky Aunty, You may have separated me from him, but I will always love him! I will love him enough that I will let him go, unlike you who are holding on to him, and possibly doesn't give a damn what he feels what he wants! But I do love him and I will make sure that he will never feel broken, never feel betrayed by you, his mother...I just want you to know....just please promise me one last time that you will never ever bring up this topic again! I will be gone from your lives tomorrow!" A tear tricked down her cheeks.

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