Two weddings?

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Everyone was busy discussing wedding plans, and Daadi wanted to do all the functions, before sending Annika away to Delhi. Neil had agreed. Before leaving he stole a moment with Annika, who was lost in space. "Hey superstar, you okay?". "Hmmn? Oh yes yes I am!" Annika said unconvincingly. " That doesn't sound like you? Are you sure? You know that I don't like it when you are sad? Again you just have to tell me the word if you are not happy! I wouldn't want to lose my superstar over a wedding after all!" He reassured her, putting his arm around her. Annika needed a hug, so badly, she just didn't know how to deal with all the emotions of being sent off from the family, she wanted be with, and again away from Shivaay, and this time forever. Sensing this Neil gave her a friendly cuddle.

" Ah Mr. Neil hold your horses boy, you still have's even got engaged!" Shivaay joked as he walked in on them. He was clenching his fist behind his back, trying so hard not to hurt this guy. "By the way I have some news for you!, Everyone is meeting in the hall, so come on love birds, chop chop!", he glared at Annika.

Everyone sat down, including Pinky, for Shivaays announcement. Pinky was elated after learning that Annika was getting married to Neil, and she had taken up on herself to do most of the organising. She had a constant smile on her face, which turned in to a million dollar one, when Shivaay escorted Ragini in. "Everyone, Ragini and I are getting engaged today, so thank you for your wishes in advance!".

Ragini looked rather perplexed but she was overjoyed when Shivaay pulled out a ring out of his pocket. "Ragini will you marry me?" He asked bluntly, and she shrieked "Yes Shivuuuuu Yes!". Rudra made a barfing sound, when she said this, and everyone was just looking at Shivaay in utter surprise. "Billu are you sure?" Daadi asked, worried. "Yes Daadi, today Annika & Neil reminded me, that friendship is the root of everything. And I couldn't have asked for a better life parter than Ragini. She has been my friend and partner in crime every way the past year, and I think it's time we get married.!".

Annika felt like punching him. Or maybe even killing him. Really hurting him. Wasn't this that slutty 2Rs woman he was feeling up at the club? "True friend my foot, my Chumki!" She murmured to herself in anger. Shivaay and Ragini was making there way towards her and Neil. She quickly grabbed Neils arm, and pretended to smile.

"So, not going to wish us Annika?" He stood there with his smug face again. "Congratulations Man!" Neil gave Shivaay a hug, and shook hands with Ragini. Annika blurted "Congratualtions Nagini! Err I meant Ragini!". Ragini was holding Shivaays arm, and too close to him to her liking. He had his hand on her waist. She wanted to place those fingers under a meat pounder right now and see them crushed into tiny little pieces. Then she noticed the engagement ring on Raginis finger.

She remembered, how they exchanged rings so lovingly at their engagement. Shivaay had pulled her aside, and made her feel so special that day. They had laughed about their fate, how they are this weird couple doing everything the other way around, and he had gifted her lovely bangles.

"Oh I almost forgot" said Shivaay, pulling something out of his pockets "Ragini, my dear, this is for you, an engagement present!" . Did he just pull out the bangles, she returned to him, the only gift he ever gave to her? Their engagement day bangles? His gift to her? Its true that she returned that back to him but that was their moment, their memory.

Shivaay asked for Ragini's hand, to put on the bangles. Annika was gritting her teeth, and her nails were digging on to Neil's arms, which made him jump. "Ohhh Shivuuuu they are beautiful! Ragini hugged him, and the bangle just fell off her hand. "Oops looks like they are too big for you Nagini...I mean Ragini!" Annika blurted  out sarcastically. "No worries my dear, I'll call the jeweller and get it fixed!" Pinky butted in, and Shivaay possessively grabbed the bangles back "No mom, no need I'll get them fixed!". "Oh look how much he loves her!" Pinky glowed in appreciation.

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