You don't matter

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Annika called Neil her boss to let him know that they got the biggest wedding of the season. Over the past year Neil has become a mentor, a friend to Annika, who supported her, and pushed her to become the career woman she was. She had great respect towards Neil, and she was thrilled when he invited her to celebrate with dinner. Best thing about Neil was despite being the heir of Lakotiya industries he was so down to earth unlike SSO. He could sit at a Darbar and eat alu poori or enjoy a five course meal the same way without any judgement or ego. "I will be there Neil, at 8.00!".

After following up on her other projects Annika finally head home, and decided to have a bath. As the warm water filled up the tub, she couldn't help but think of Shivaays appearance. Her heart started aching as it did when he threw her out of the mansion. She started regretting for not seeing his eyes, His "Kanji" eyes that she would get lost in. As she stepped in to the warm bath, she felt shivers down her spine, and she could sense goosebumps, replicating the sensations she use to feel when he touched her softly. When he came so close to her and started tracing her neckline with the tip of his nose. A couple of days before they parted, they had almost consummated their marriage. Gauri had pushed her into the pool, in a childish plan to make them talk to each other. Shivaay had come to her rescue, and for the first time ever he had apologised to her for being a dick. He said " Sorry Annika I overreacted" and she had forgiven him the moment he held her as usual.

When she was about to walk away he had held her tight not letting her go. Alas if that day he held on to her the same way. When she tried to move a way from him he grabbed her arm and twisted it, not too gently, but just the way she likes it. His deep colourful eyes had turn into slits looking at her with pure desire. He pulled her closer and she could feel him hardening against her. He traced her neck with soft wet kisses, and he softly bit her skin above the collarbone. He worked his way up softly suckling on her bare skin, over the shoulder, neck, throat , and he softly bit her bottom lip. She winced and parted her lips, giving him access he needed to kiss her. He had playfully traced her lips with his tongue before savouring her hungrily. Annika remembered the hallucinating sensation she felt between her legs, while he was touching her, feeling her in the water. For a moment she wanted to feel him for real. She wanted it all to be real again. The way his soft lips played with hers. The way he held her tight and slowly moved his hand down the small of her back, to her curvy buttocks while pressing her against his hardness. The way he caressed her driving her senseless. Suddenly they had lost balance and submerged in the water, bringing them back to their senses. But Shivaay had held Annika close to him, and whispered in her ears, in his deepest voice of desperation, Annika I want you I want you so bad I can't breath anymore. I want you to be mine!

Annika was almost suffocating in the bath tub lost in her senseless imagination of being with Shivaay. Her nipples had hardened, unbeknown to herself she was touching herself. She was becoming a tight ball of desire, needing release. Tears trickled downed her delicate cheeks. She moaned "Shivaay" partially in pleasure and mostly in just pain.


"That bitch!" He muttered under his breath. He didn't know how he finished his business with Raj without punching his puny face into pieces. He knew she was a fucking gold digger, why would he get upset knowing that she did what she does best. If she wants to get married to Raj what difference does it make that she's his ex wife. Shivaay suddenly had this urge to burn the entire earth down. He could not comprehend that she who shattered the perfectly normal life they had by showing her true colours, is finally moving on. He closed his eyes tightly, gasping for breath as he walked out of the Rathod Mansion. He had flashbacks of Raj holding her hand, her hand, that had once felt him, felt his weaknesses, his strength, and her hand he once held with pride as she was the most beautiful woman on earth.He needed to get away from all of this, he needed a distraction. He made a call to Ragini "Ragini I am in Delhi, I am sending you a ride, do you want to come party tonight?" He smirked as the answer was positive. He was going to drink and forget that he ever saw her face again.

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