Poisonous Ivy

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Shivaay threw anything and everything within his reach. He just wanted to smash the shit out of everything! Tomorrow she was getting married and she was not backing out. Lines of worry started forming on his forehead. To make things worse, Ragini had appeared. "Shivuuu Mom is super happy for both of us! So when do you want to get married? Shouldn't we book our honeymoon to the Maldives already? Actually let me do that now!" She pulled out her phone. Shivaay grabbed her phone and threw it across the room smashing it into pieces. " You look so tensed Shivuuu, you want me to make you feel better? After all I am going to be your wife soon" She hugged him from behind. Shivaay pulled away " Ragini, look the past year you have been a good friend...but I am sorry I can't marry you..."

"What? What do u mean? Ragini hugged him nevertheless perplexed. She placed a peck on his cheeks and Shivaay just tried to pull away from her. " After all we've been through this year you are not going to run away from me are you? After all we are a bit more closer than so called friends" she drew air quotes and pulled him closer.

"Look Ragini, I apologise, I know I was hurt, and angry at Annika for leaving so much, I just wanted to forget. I am sorry I know I dragged you into this, probably led you on when I shouldn't have knowing you do like me. At least you were honest about it from the start! I was just being an asshole! I am sorry! I do consider you a good friend, who stood by me during tough times...but I can't make you my wife! I am truly sorry" Ragini laughed hysterically at this. " Will you feel the same way after this?" She grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast and she pulled him by his shirt closer to her and started kissing him. Stunned Shivaay pushed her away with all his might, making her stumble on to the lounger nearby. "Stop it Ragini! I told you nothing is ever going to happen between us! Nothing have and ever will...!" He shouted with his nostrils flaring in anger. Ragini pulled him by his hand on to her, losing his balance Shivaay landed almost on top of her and to his dismay, It was Annika who knocked on the door.

He immediately got back to his feet, pulling away from a chuckling Ragini, acting all crazy now. " Annika!" He mumbled. " I was..." He was cut off by her, " Daadi asked me to give you this! I'll just leave it hear. Err sorry Ragini, I disturbed the two of you! See you in a bit!" She casually ignored him, and was exchanging pleasantries with Ragini. Shit it is that bad, and he could feel sweat starting to build up on his forehead. " Annika! Listen to me!", She ignored him again, and turned to walk away, and he swore as he saw tears pooling up in her eyes "Shit!"

While Ragini started playing with her phone as if nothing happened, browsing through resorts in the Maldives, Shivaay hurried off behind Annika. He finally caught up to her  by the pool side "Annika stop! Listen to me Annika! Annika what you saw...it's not like that!"

Annika wiped away her tears and faced him in the best possible poker face she could come up with.

"Like what Shivaay? You two are getting married , whatever you do behind closed doors well in this case opened doors is non of my business! Why are you giving excuses to me? Who am I?"

" You are my everything damn it!" He stunned her with that one!

She stood there startled, trying to form a come back to that when he held her by her wrists. She loosened away from his grip, but  as she pulled away, her bangle scratched his palm. "Ouch!" He blurted out to which she couldn't help but check up on his hands. It was irritating that she couldn't tolerate to see him in even a bit of pain though he really deserved it right now. Shivaay took the opportunity to talk to her. " Annika, I was just trying to get away from Naggini...I mean Ragini..I am not ma..." She cut him off again, "Shivaay you are marrying her right? Why would you want to get away from her? how can you be this silly? And also unlike you I don't believe in everything I see. Sometimes what we see can be just what the other person wants you to see...it is not what really...." She got carried away she knew she had to fix this so she said, "Honestly Again you think I care?" She raised her eye brows, while gesturing him that his hand is now okay and he can have it back.

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