Broken together

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Shivaay and Ragini walked in to the club. Both dressed to kill. Shivaay had shed his suits to his studded leather jacket and spiked up his hair giving him a playboy vibe. He popped open a bottle of champainge. "What are we celebrating Shivu?" Ragini purred while sitting on his lap. This woman had been throwing her self up on him since the day they met. "Today I am going to forget..." he thought to himself while gulping down his drink. Music was playing in the background transcending him to a state of numbness. This is how he liked it, not to feel, just float. Through the crowd he could sense someone familiar. His eyes suddenly met with hers. There she was by the bar, holding a drink in her hand while talking to another man. Another fucking man. She looked heavenly. She had curled her hair for the evening, and the locks were gracing her body. She was wearing a gold colour bodycon dress hugging her in all the right places. Shivaay has never seen her wearing anything short as this, and he was almost drooling looking at her long legs. He was sure that her eyes were on him. As if it was a reflex he pulled Ragini who was buzzing about, on to his lap. He started caressing her while she was straddled on him. "Shivuuu" this irritated the shit out of him, but all of this was for a greater purpose. He glanced towards Annika and he could see her big  doe eyes shooting daggers at him. He felt happy, for once in a long time he felt something. With a smirk he pulled Ragini closer, to his dismay when he looked back she was gone.
After an exquisite dinner, Neil and the rest of the gang in the office has suggested to celebrate at the club.  Though she avoids party's and drinking, for some reason she felt she deserves to loosen up today. At least tomorrow she'll be capable of being truly independent. She'll be closing Shivaays chapeter for good. She'll be able to move on finally. Neil was such a gentleman and he adored Annika for her hard work. He escorted her to the bar, and gotten her a glass of champagne when she sensed someone staring at her. She looked across the club, and her eyes caught up with Shivaay, looking different in his leather jacket. He looked even a bit more cooler than he usually does. She blushed checking him out from a distance, when he suddenly pulled a woman on to his lap and started feeling her up. It was as if he was taunting her, with his annoying irritating smirk. "Whatever Shivaay whatever the games you want to play, I am not going to be a part of this!" She walked off with courage.

She was seated at their booth with Neil, and the rest of the gang from work, when She saw Raj appear from nowhere. "Raj?" She exclaimed, and he politely accepted Neils invitation to join their party. Shivaay was walking up to the bar, looking for her now, and the moment she saw him, she held Raj's hand and started laughing out loud. Raj sat there flabbergasted. "You are so funny!" She laughed out loud for something that was remotely funny. She could see Shivaays already handsome face contorting with anger and frustration. She knew exactly which buttons to push to irritate him, and after what he did in front of her eyes, laying his hands on another woman , she was not going to back out.

Shivaay and Annika both didn't realise how much they've had to drink, they kept shooting daggers at each other every time their eyes locked. He was dancing or rather frolicking with Ragini. Disgusted by this to get rid of her "Mich michi" feeling she decided to dance with the groom-to-be. Raj was a tall, handsome guy, who was patient with her behaviour to an extent that one would almost assume that he was engaged to Annika.  Shivaay never knew Annika can be such a bitch. She was literally hugging, holding hands, and dancing with not only with one but two men. "Gold digging ....urgh". He couldn't take it anymore. He had to get away from here, but if he did she would win. He would never want her to win after all she did to him.

At one point Annika started doing shots, knowing her she can't handle her drinks, Shivaay developed a frown of worry on his forehead. She was doing this to irritate him he knew. Does that mean she's hurting too? No how could she be? She s engaged isn't she? But why is she behaving like and idiot? "Pannika..."he huffed.  The DJ started playing Desi songs "Khidkitod songs!" Squealed Annika while dancing  and Neil who was drunk  popped another bottle of champagne open while spraying it all over Annika. "Cheers to our superstar!!!" He cheered on and Annika was drenched in the champagne. Shivaay couldn't stop staring at her.

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