"A wild cat"

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Annika was hurrying down the corridor "Did she say right from the portrait or left, she said left or right?" She kept doubting herself. Even risky she decided to take a left, and as she was rushing by with the stacks of designs and paperwork, she bumped on to something or someone. All her files flew in the air, and she closed her eyes tight as she knew she was about to hit the ground, when a familiar, strong arm wrapped around her waste, lifting back her up in her feet. She held on to the collar of her saviour with all her might, not to fall. She  regretfully sensed it was Shivaay, and was hesitant to open her eyes praying it is not. But the intoxicating woody scent from his aftershave, and the scruffy stubble rubbing against her cheek proved otherwise. Damn it!  It was Shivaay.

"Shivaay? What are you doing here?" Her perplexed eyes stared at him. "Why not? Am I not invited for your wedding? Your would be husband doesn't think so!". " What are you talking about Shivaay? Can you stop beating around the bush?" She retorted irritated.  " Why Maharani attitude already?" He smirked. "Oh I see you have met my wedding planner" Raj, interrupted there confusing moment. Shivaay didn't realise that he was tightly holding Annikas waist despite she was very well balanced on her feet now. Annika was holding on to his collar as well. Raj lifted an eyebrow  " Am I disturbing something?" " Ah No No!", Shivaay pushed Annika away keeping distance between them. " Annika this is Shivaay my new business partner. Do you guys know each other?". " No Raj, I definitely don't know this man!" Annika said bluntly without looking at him . Shivaay  spat out through his gritted teeth " I don't know this woman either, I don't know who she is!" 

Raj accompanied both of them to the terrace, where Annika got busy with her preparations directing her team. Shivaay settled down with Raj, discussing some contracts. "So Shivaay, are you planning to stay longer this time? I am having my bachelors party tonight do you want to join? I don't have many friends as you very well know in our line of work, would be great to make one?" He extended his hand and Shivaay took it. They continued their talk until Raj got an urgent call and he excused himself for a moment. Shivaays eyes shifted towards Annika.  So she was not marrying the prince, she is just a wedding planner he let out a sigh of relief. "Then whose money was it she was throwing at me?"

Annika was now doing something on a ladder. Why does she have to do things she can't. She's clumsy, keeps tripping or slipping or bumping on to things. Shivaay was annoyed at her ignorance. The evening sun was glittering above the horizon and the sun rays were lightly touching Annikas skin giving it a light bronze shade. The wind made her hair strands dance in rhythm. She was wearing her ripped denim pants and a white off shoulder top showing off her beautiful slender shoulders and perfect collarbones. She was smiling with her team, and her smile was worth a million dollars. She had a look of concentration as her eyes were focused at her task.  Shivaay felt much cooler in his head and had the urge to really talk to her. Ask her why did she send him that cheque? So he finally took courage and approached her. However the words he blurted out was rather indifferent to his plan, thanks to his very big ego. "I got the cheque Annika, where did you get that kind of money? Do you think Oberoi's take back what they give away for charity?". Annika let out a big sigh and huffed, "Why Mr.Oberoi, did you ignore the part I said don't let your Mt.Everest size ego get in the way? Or Are you trying to accuse me of stealing that money from someone? And for your kind information I would never in my life accept charity from you or your family!" Shivaay was taken a back but he wasn't expecting any less of an answer from the stubborn "Pannika".

Suddenly Annika shrieked startling him, "Neil!", how do you like it? All set for the afternoon function tomorrow. " Oh you are my star" and he gave her a hug. Shivaay clenched his fist and he suddenly had the urge to break something like Neils perfectly structured jaw.  "Oh hello! , you are Shivaay? Arn't you? The Shivaay Singh Oberoi? I saw you yesterday at the club didn't I? You were with Ms. Malhotra? I saw that you two were very close?" He winked at Shivaay irritating the hell out of him. Meanwhile Annika had started to get all fidgety as she started remembering how he was carrying-on with that woman. Hair at the back of her neck stood up, giving her  the "Mich michi" feeling she didn't like at all.  "Ah and you are the Neil Lakotiya aren't you? And I see that you and the wedding planner are very close?" Shivaay said sarcastically replicating a wink at Neil. "Oh of-course she is my super star!" He put his arm around Annika's shoulder and Shivaay almost jumped at him. "Are you coming for the bachelor party tonight? Would be fun?" Neil asked trying to lighten up the mood sensing a death stare from Shivaay for an unknown reason to him. "Yeah I'll be there" , and he rudely walked off while talking to someone over the phone. "Weird guy, bit rude, bit scary, bossy, can be taller, but I think he likes you? But the question is do you like him my little star?" Neil teased Annika. " Stop it Neil, he hates me can't you see? Me and him? Never!"

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