You & Me

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Shivaay woke up with a headache. He was trying to recall what happened, he remembered that he had turned back, right before the explosion, because he forgot to give Annika the gift. He had left abruptly, when she started sharing about how different she felt when she was with Neil, and he forgot to give it to her. Now he was waking up, on a pillow that smelt like her. He looked around, and found himself tucked in Annikas bed, in her apartment. A fresh cup of coffee was waiting for him on the bed side with a note "Drink Me" and a poorly made sandwich with a note "Eat me". This brought back memories and a smile to his face. " I will drink you...but definitely NOT gonna eat you!" He talked to the inanimate objects as if they were alive. He looked for his phone everywhere and he couldn't find it. He thought to make a call to Khanna and find out what's all this about, and when he found Annika's land line, and it was disconnected and had a note "Don't even think about it!". "Huh what am I a hostage now?" He blurted exasperatedly. He could here someone by the door, and he was sure it was not Annika. He found the heftiest pan he could on the kitchen isle, and he stood guard behind the door, waiting for an attack. He swung the pan with all his might at the intruder, when he got punched hard on his gut. " Woah Sorry Man! It was just reflex, I didn't know you were up yet" Neil tried helping him up, "Please don't tell my star I punched you or she'll probably punch the shit out of me!" He winked at him looking genuinely worried. "What are you doing here?" Shivaay Asked coughing. " Annika sent me to check up on you! Cause she said you are possibly trying to contact your security now trying to get to the bottom of all of this!"

"Well damn right I am...won't you if it was you?" He hissed.

"Yeah but hey, right now my sources say that you need to stay put. OmRu knows you are safe! Your life is in danger, so you better lay low! That's why I brought you here!"  Neil looked concerned.

"So Mr. Neil, you are saying I should stay here like a sitting duck until you find out what's going on?"

"Well pretty much! Cause right now you can't trust anyone in your security detail! No phone calls, no email, no texting...So you got to rely on a friend buddy!" Friends when did we become friends? Shivaay thought. "Hey I know what you are thinking, but any friend of my "A star" is a friend of mine!" Neil said reading his mind. "It won't be long, maybe a week or two, and you'll be free soon!", Neil placed a pat on his shoulder. His eyes eventually shifted to the untouched sandwich that was lying on the bedside. "Oh your not having this? I LOOOVE these sandwiches she makes man!" he almost put it in his mouth, when Shivaay grabbed it and stuffed himself with the disdainful tasteless thing that Annika had made, "No I'm having it! It's yum!" He gulped it down with regret. Neil was a bit disappointed, but soon reverted back to his jolly good self,  "Alrighty...remember you can't leave this apartment, and don't do anything suspicious, and hey keep your hands to yourself Mr.SSO, I know my star is pretty good looking, so behave!" He winked cheekily closing the door behind him. "Did he just say that to me? I was her husband, did he just tell me to keep my hands to myself? Idiot!" Shivaay gobbled down the rest of the sandwich angrily.

Shivaay felt useless, sitting in this apartment, not knowing, or being able to help with the investigation. He always needed to know all the information, that's how he's lived his life. He never ever made any decision without fully investigating, or knowing about their past present or the possible future. Except when he got married to Annika, a past mental note was recited to him by his inner voice disturbing his thought process. He would have made 100 calls by now and smashed one phone to pieces by now. His hand was itching to get hold of one now, he can really do some good by smashing one right about now. Then his thoughts turned on to Annika. When was Annika going to come home? Did she go on a date with this Neil again? Are they having a good time? "Oh so what?" He cursed himself and wondered around the apartment looking for some work to keep himself occupied. He studied her work station, which was messy as she was, and started organising it. He opened the drawer, and found a picture of them tucked away inside and felt a beam of joy. They both looked happy in it, he decided to leave it where it was, the way she liked, tucked away inside a drawer. She had a picture of Sahil and her on the desktop, a lot of designs and sketches he tried to rearrange, as per the event she was planning. He opened her wardrobe and was appalled by the condition, she had thrown all her cloths in piles inside it. He just had to rearrange it, this was just too much for his organised brain to take in. He then moved on to the kitchen, thinking he'll make something to eat and for his dismay there wasn't much in the fridge he could use. There was enough potatoes lying in the kitchen though and he knew what he could cook up.

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