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"Shivaay our tickets are Economy class, and no we are not travelling in First class!" Annika retorted as Shivaay was complaining that he has to commute in cattle class with his newly wedded wife. "So you are saying you don't like my gift?" Annika asked him exasperated. Shivaay knew better than to annoy his wife at the start of their honeymoon. "No No I love it!...I just said we could have gone to Paris, if you'd let me! That's all!". " Well Mr. SSO, this is all I can afford, a return trip to GOA!" He still couldn't understand why Annika was insisting on paying for their honeymoon, but honestly he couldn't care less, as the important part was spending time with her, and he desperately needed to. They bid farewell to the family, as they made their way to the airport. Shivaay couldn't fathom the thought of sitting next to a stranger in a closed space, so he insisted on having a window seat at the check in. When they came on to the plane, they realised that their seats were separated thanks to this, and Shivaay was stuck next to a chubby old lady, who kept offering him biscuits through out the flight. Annika was enjoying just looking at his face every time the lady offered him a biscuit. She was sitting parallel to him on the aisle, and kept taking pictures of his awkward moments, making a mental note to use them to blackmail him in case of another dispute regarding the TV remote.  Once they finally got off the plane they checked in to their hotel. It was a smaller hotel to Shivaay's liking, but the location was serene, and it was right on the beach. A grumpy old care taker, was unwillingly serving them, and Shivaay was sure next time he asked for a Perrier with ice and lemon, the guy will just murder both of them.
"Seriously! Is this the best hotel you could find for our honeymoon? Why don't you let me book a resort? I'll just do it now!"
"Are you saying you don't like my choice again Mr. Oberoi?  Can you stop being dramatic? And snobbish? What's wrong with this place?"
" Well for starters the care taker looks like an axe murderer, the bedsheets smell like cobwebs, the A/C doesn't work properly....and m.." Before he could say anything else, she pulled him in for a kiss. "And now?" She asked him smiling. "It's perfect....perfect" He leaned in hungry for another kiss, and she pushed him away. We have to change, and let's go down to the beach bar before sunset, there is a party in the evening!", she squealed!

The bathroom was so tiny, only one of them could get ready at a time. Shivaay had a quick shower, and changed into linen pants and a white linen shirt, Annika had packed for him. What a weird taste in cloths this woman has, he thought, missing his suit. "Shivaay can you go down, and get us tickets? I'll join you there!" Annika screamed from the shower, though annoyed he complied. He was never going to let Annika plan their holidays every again! He had to stand in a queue with, a bunch of youngsters, as he wasn't also allowed to use his Oberoi card, as per strict instructions by his wife. He finally got the tickets, and as the sun was about to set, he sat down by the bar, grabbing a drink waiting for Annika. As the sun was going down, and the fairy lights illuminated the beach bar, she walked in, in a long, silky,  baby pink dress. It had spaghetti straps, and he could tell the dress was backless, the way it kissed her body. The sea breeze was making ripples on the fabric, and he could swear the dress was a bit see through in the right lighting. She was not wearing any jewellery, and her skin had taken a sun kissed golden shade adorning her look. Her long locks of hair were dancing with the breeze, as she walked towards him. "Beautiful!...You...you just look like a fairy!" He just blurted out mesmerised by his wife's beauty. As she sat next to him, he started noticing that her long eye lashes were also dancing in tune to the sea breeze. Her lips were coloured in a shade of pink gloss tempting him to taste them. He could smell roses from her shampoo as strands of hair tickled his face. "Shivaay?" She shook him a bit, as he was not responding to whatever she was rambling on for the last five minutes. He was just staring at her simply mesmerised. "Err a drink?" He offered and she accepted "Hmmmn did you even hear a word I said?" He smiled sheepishly, still unable to take eyes off of her.

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