Edge of the peak

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Annika rested her head on his shoulder. He covered her with her jacket, and they were sitting on the roof top, staring at the stars, feeling content holding on to each other.
"So how many of these dates you want to do before we get married?" Shivaay teased Annika.
"Are you already proposing to me Mr. SSO?"
"Maybe, I mean can't blame a guy for trying his luck can you?" He smiled, and Annika was lost in thought. "I don't know Shivaay, do you think this time we'll figure it out? I mean truly figure it out? You and I have this thing, I can't explain..it's like we are magnets you are the North Pole and I am the south!" She sighed.
"I know, I can't explain it either, the more we grow apart, the closer I get to you, It's like you are a missing part of me! I really don't know how to explain it either!" He hugged her.
"So we'll take it one step at a time?"
"Well we are already living together aren't we? When did we ever do anything normal?" Shivaay chuckled. " OmRu will be so happy to know though, they've been bugging me for their Bhaabi for a long time now!" Shivaay said with a smile on his face.
" Errrm Shivaay...shall we not tell anyone for now? I mean we just literally said we are going to go out, I don't want to give anyone false hopes if we don't make it this time? And your mom still isn't ready to accept me either, and I don't want to force myself on anyone! I have a carrier here, I have good friends here! I have my home here!"
" You mean friend, Neil?" He raised his eyebrow while drawing air quotes. "Billuji, we are exclusive now, but you'll have to learn to accept my best friend around me got it?" She asserted, and he nodded.

Shivaay was playing with her fingers, and placed a kiss on her hand. "Okay so can we at least move in to a bigger house? So I have space to keep my stuff?"

" What? Are you planning to move here? I mean what's going to happen in Mumbai? home? Family? OmRu? You can't just do that!"

"Why not, I want to be closer to you, if you don't want to come back, I'll just move here, anyway I just started my project here, it's going to take most of my time! And now that my chopper is up in pieces, until the insurance gets cleared, I'll pretty much have to stay here"

"No! You will not disrupt your life, your work, and your family for me! Promise me that!"

"So what? We just got together and you want this to be a long distance relationship? WTF Annika? I can't! Was 1 year not enough for you?"

"Shivaay don't be dramatic please!" She said sternly, we can meet when you come down for your project follow ups, and weekends. I'll be having Malhotras wedding in Mumbai too, so I'll be there for a while almost two weeks we can meet pretty much everyday!"

Shivaay sighed, annoyed at her practicality. This part of the relationship was completely new to him. Pretty much since the day they got married they were stuck together in one room. This felt like punishment more than a relationship. He won't be able to hold her whenever he wanted to, he wont be able to touch her, and kiss her. He pulled her closer and placed a wet kiss on her cheek " YOU are very VERY ANNOYING Pannika!". "Well that I am Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi!", and with that she emptied the remaining Champaign in her glass over his head, and ran away playfully when her phone rang again.  It was Neil again trying to get through to her, this time she answered and it sounded urgent. "Hello Neil! No I can't hear you properly, wait I am coming inside, I'll come and talk to you!". She ran back to Shivaay and placed a peck on his cheek, "I gotta go, I think Neil needs me for something! I'll meet you downstairs?" He nodded not wanting to let her go, he held on to her hand.
"I'll see you in a bit..I Lo...."
" What? What did you say?" He got his annoying Cheshire Cat grin on his face back.
" I said I'll see you in a bit" she shrugged.
"No after that what did you almost say?" He asked impatiently. "I never said anything! You must be hearing stuff in your head Bagad Billa!" She chuckled, and hurried back down.

"BANG!" The sound of an explosion reverberated through the building. "ANNIKA!" Shivaay, panicked, as she left to the pent house, just moments ago and all he could see was fire, and debris flying through the exit. He ran in to the suite, through the heavy smoke, and shattered glasses." ANNIKA...OM...RU!" He screamed not being able to locate any one of them. "Bhaiya I am here!" Rudy appeared through the rubble. "Where is OM?" He asked. " Om was by the bar I am going to check! You look for Bhaabi!" Rudra got back on his feet.Shivaay went looking for Annika, and he found Neil instead tied up in a room, and his phone  lying on the ground. He then saw Annikas phone shattered to pieces on the ground. "Neil Neil wake up, where is Annika! Where the hell is Annika!" He shook him up.
"He..he...he took her...he took her..I couldn't stop!"
" Who took her Neil? Who?"
"It was Raj..Shivaay shes is in danger..let's go!" They united with OmRu.
"Let's go let's get her! Don't worry Shivaay she'll be fine!" Om reassured realising Shivaay is at his breaking point.
" If that bastard even touches one fucking hair on her I will kill him!" He spat through gritted teeth.
" We all will!" Rudy reassured.
"Guys they went this way, took the elevator up...follow me, I think they are planning to escape from the other side of the roof top! I heard him calling for a chopper!"

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