An investigation

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Next day morning Annika woke up to the fragrance of breakfast. " Aloo poori" she exclaimed looking at the delicious warm food by her bed side. There was a note on the tray, " Eat me!". A flashback of the debacles in the shower, Shivaay naked and handsome, came across Annika and she shook it off "Brrrrr".  There was a tea pot settled next to the tray with a fragrance of ginger oozing out of it, and another sticky note was on it, "Drink me!". Another flashback swiped across Annika, reminding her the moment of their hot kiss under the shower. She shook it off again. "What's your problem Annika, stop thinking about him!" She mumbled in frustration. "Stop thinking about whom? Me?" Shivaay stood by the doorway looking dashing in his lime green suit. "Why would I think about you?" Annika huffed looking away hiding a smile. "I don't know maybe the same reason I can't stop thinking about you?"  He was by her bedside now grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Annika wanted to just slap this smug grin out of his face. "Look Shivaay, I was on a lot of medication last night, I can't remember what you are talking about. In fact I can't remember anything at all!". Shivaay looked disappointed, but held her hand sending shivers down her spine, "Are you sure?" He looked into her eyes. "Yes I am sure!". "You don't remember anything? You don't remember what you did to me in the shower?" He looked at her shamelessly, interrogating her. "I told you I can't remember anything and I don't know what you are talking about" she tried to shake his hand off. "How about now?" He placed a wet kiss on her hand. She shook her head slowly looking unsure where this is going. He sat by the bed now, pulling her closer and whispered in her ear, while his stubble graced her soft cheek "Not even now?"He noticed her cheeks turning bright red, like a tomato. He decided to let it go this time feeling a hint of triumph. " I told you Shivaay I don't remember!" She pushed him away, and he was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Annoyed she just wanted to wipe the grin off of his smug face. She took the glass of water on the tray and threw on his handsome face. " Now you should remember something no?" He guffawed wiping the water off of his face still with that cute but annoying grin plastered on his face. "I told you not to annoy me BILLU!!" Annika replied with a scowl. "It's okay PANNIKA you'll remember, soon enough, now eat!" He patted her hand with affection. It suddenly felt all normal, their childish name calling, water fights, it was all back. He felt happy.

Knock knock! Bhavya was standing by the door.  "Bhabi, Bhaiya may I come in?" She was in her Police uniform, but looked concerned. "Come in Bhavya, is everything alright?" She dashed across passing Shivaay and hugged Annika. "Are you okay Annika Bhabi? Shivaay bhaiya didn't let any of us to check up on you, he just put you in the chopper and vanished off from there" . She gave Shivaay an angry look, and Shivaay tried to look apolegetic. "I am okay now Bhavya, thank you for everything, Shivaay told me you caught that Raj, is Maithili okay? His fiancé?".
" I am glad you are okay ..she was injured badly she had to be hospitalised, and did Bhaiya tell you that he was obstructing justice yesterday? He almost kill that guy if I didn't get there on time! It was thanks to Neil we found out where he dragged the guy to or he'll be behind bars now!" Shivaay was looking at his feet now, fidgeting like a child who got caught doing something wrong. "My Billu ji"... thought Annika looking at the great SSO standing there like a school boy getting scolded by a principle. He was truly a man of many colours. "Annika Bhabi I need to take your statement, Bhaiya didn't let anyone come near you yesterday, so I had to postpone this. But it is very important and I can't delay it anymore."

" BHAABIII!" It was OMRU and simultaneously crushing her in a hug. "Guys be careful, she's still not fit enough!" Shivaay interrupted concerned. "My Bhabi is back and you keep out of it Bhaiya! Bhabi are you okay? Is this ACP woman and the bagad billa bothering you?"Rudra scowled at both Bhavya and Shivaay. "No No Rudra, all good, you tell me how are you?" " Bhabi, what to say bhabi this Bhavya keeps annoying me, no one is on my side, I miss you! I miss you so much Bhabi!" He hugged her all teary eyed. " Will you just grow up Rudra, let Annika bhabi rest now!" OM smacked the back of his head. " It's okay OM, I missed my Rudra too. Where is Gauri?". " She's in the mandir, she's doing a pooja for your safety, and health, she went with Daadi together, they must be on their way home now!".  Shivaay was looking at everyone partially in awe as to how they have chosen Annika over him and the love they are showering at her. He was also intrigued as to why everyone is treating her as if she's not the one who left all of this, the love, the care, and family and almost ruined the Oberoi family name in front of all media that day. Soon it was replaced by a weird emotion that was rare to come his way, "content". He felt content looking at his family adoring and caring for Annika, and the smile that she brought to everyone's face, including his.

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