Part 1: Intro

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"Here girl, let's get you some dinner for the night." You muttered as you bent down to get a dog bowl. Your golden retriever wagged her tail up at you as you poured some kibble in and sat it down, rubbing her side. "Good puppy." You praised as you walked to your front door. Going over every lock you installed to make sure it was triple locked.

You went to go to the back door before you heard sizzling and smelled burning on the stove. "Crap!" You rushed over as your spaghetti water boiled onto the burner. Searching for pot holders in your drawer as the phone rang. You groaned loudly as your dog just munched away while watching you run around.

You burnt your finger on the hot water as you moved it and it sloshed. Shoving it onto the counter before cursing and putting your finger in your mouth. The phone continued ringing as you rolled your eyes and rushed over to it.

"What is it?" You were short, not even looking at the receiver.

"...Not even a hello?"

You paused for a moment, looking at the caller ID. You gave a huff and rolled your eyes. "For you? I think you'll live." You put your finger in your mouth again, trying to stop the burning at your fingertip.

"Jeez, so polite, so warm, so filled with charisma. What if I was a job interview replying or some little old lady selling bibles?"

You smiled to yourself. "At 7 o'clock at night?... Besides, I only talk to you or my parents anyways."

"So, you talk to your parents with that mouth?"

The answer was 'no' and you'd be apologizing right now and explaining the situation. However, you couldn't help yourself.

"I do a lot of things with this mouth." You gave in a flirty voice, purposely laying it on thick in a cringy way as you leaned against the counter in your pajamas.

He made a gagging noise before chuckling playing along. "Ooh. I didn't know it was that type of phone call. What kind of things?"

"For free?"

"Put it on my tab."

You laughed and shook your head. " Verbally assaulting you, for one. Did you need something Randy?"

"Nope. Just getting my daily masochistic fantasies outta the way. Degrade me, Mistress." He growled in a husky voice on the other line.

You choked with an outraged laugh, trying not to scream at how much that cut you off guard. "God, shut up! The hell is wrong with you?!"

You heard him give an impish chuckle on the other line. "Alright, alright. You know I'm too sensitive for that. I'll be thinking about it for week and get a complex."

You shook your head in amusement as he continued.

"Just checking in. How's my favorite hermit doing today?"

"She's doing good. Me and Cherri went for a walk...How's life?"

"Meh. Working at that video game store as usual. I swear, the amount of people picking to play Tomb Raider over Resident Evil is alarming."

"Aw, you don't like Ms Croft?"


"Miss horror movies at the video store?"

He sighed. "Kind of…"

"Ya know, you could use your degree to get into film."

"Trying. I'm working on an application on a horror set...Don't freak out."

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