Part 8

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"You gotta be shitting me." Stu muttered gripping the seat as you swerved to stay on the road, cursing under your breath as the car jerked from impact.

The huge SUV tapped your car again at the back corner, purposely trying to spin you out before easing off.

Billy and Stu were both screaming at you on what to do as you were trying to stay on the road. "I am! What else am I supposed to do?!....FUCKING NUTCASE!" You yelled at the SUV as your car almost jackknifed into an oncoming car on the other side of the yellow line. They blared their horn and swerved away from you as the SUV stayed on your bumper.

You frantically tried keeping it steady as you floored the gas, trying to get some distance between you and them.

Your heart was hammering as you went 60 mph on the desolate strip of road. That car was the only other car on the road but that didn't mean you wouldn't pass more eventually. You had a death grip on the wheel; one hard spin or side swipe and you all were tumbling into the ditch, a telephone pole or another stray car.

Billy anxiously sat up, looking back at the SUV then you. "You gotta let me drive-"

Stu answered for you. "No freaking way no how, man! You can't do any better than she's doing!"

"Fuck off, Stu! I'm the one with the most driving experience here and YN has a gun to blow this prick's tires out; she can't shoot and keep us on the road at the same time!" He yelled as you got rammed again. Harder this time as you all released yelps.

Stu looked at you. "YN, just give me the gun!-"

"Hell no! I should have it before your ass. I'm in the passenger seat!"

"The back is where you can aim better-"

You screamed at them both to the point your voice cracked. "NO ONE IS GETTING THE DAMN GUN BUT ME!!" You gripped the wheel and floored it when you felt them bump you again. You released a cry as your wheel jerked and you tried to stay on the road. You felt the willpower to not panic starting to slip as your breath quickened. Scared to death at how much you felt you were losing control of the wheel.

"Then you don't have a choice, now do you?! Let me take the wheel so I can side swipe this fuckface into the ditch." Billy argued, angry panic on his face and in his voice.

You didn't like it but it made sense. You hesitated as Billy urgently slapped your dash. "Come on, YN! You wanna die?! There isn't a town for another 25 miles! It's just us, him, and the road!"

You gritted your teeth as you saw that SUV dropping back just enough to taunt you as another stray car passed on the other side of the road. He revved his engine behind you, acting like he was gonna ram you before backing off again.

You made your choice, whether you liked it or not. "....Fine!...Billy take the wheel and we're gonna switch-"

Stu looked at you in disbelief. "You can't be serious! Sweetcheeks, you let go of that wheel when he taps our ass and we're DONE!"

Billy was already unbuckled before he helped unbuckle you. You let him, only removing your one arm to get the belt off when he had his hand on the wheel.

"I've got it! Stu, help her across." He ordered as he stood up as tall as he could in the car while you and him both gripped the wheel. "Keep your foot on the pedal...That's it-" He coaxed you, licking his lips as his eyes kept darting to your rearview mirror. The SUVS high beams blinding you all.

You kept your foot on the gas but released your hands as Billy steadied it the best he could.

"...Now!" Billy gave as you dived to the passenger seat.

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