Chapter 25 part 2: Final

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    Billy was the first to make a move. "...You know what? Screw this. I can't listen to this shit anymore. If I stay here any longer, I'm going to kill both of you and possibly myself at this point." He marched out the best he could, clearly forcing his leg to walk normally to save his already wounded ego. You watched him walk out, down the hall towards the back door before you heard it slam shut.

You stood there, lost for words because…In a way; maybe there was some truth to it all? You reasoned you just didn't want anyone dying unless you had to…But after this…Even you knew you could have gotten at least one head shot in when Stu peaked around the corner earlier to talk you down from shooting them.

Stu released a long exhale from his nose as he stared at you. You both stood there in silence before he spoke up. "You know…I understand why you never want to see me again. I fucked up. You just started trusting me and I scared you. I mean, yeah, it sucks you told that Detective everything. I mean, it's really screwed up man, especially considering what you did years ago but…" He sighed and ran a hand over his neck. "I don't know. I'm pissed but I'm just as pissed off at myself as I am you…I just know that I'm not the only one that feels like this and I'm sick of hearing you don't. I can't be the only one that gives a shit because you spared my life and freedom as much as I spared yours. I need you. Okay, I need you more than you need me apparently. Got it. But I think you secretly at least want to tolerate me too." He offered a slight hopeful smirk that wavered when he saw you wouldn't spare him a glance.

You didn't answer, rolling your tongue inside your cheek and looking away. Stu continued. "I…I'm…Oh shit. God, man, I'm sorry!" He exclaimed while thrusting out his arms before letting them fall to his sides. "You want me to say two words despite my pride? I will. I'm sorry for telling you I was trying to kill Randy. We all were thinking about it! Was I supposed to not name him as a suspect when everything at the time pointed directly to him?" 

You stayed silent and it seemed to eat at him as he sighed dramatically and uttered." Okay fine…Maybe I am a little… Threatened….  Peeved that you have the relationship you do with him. Do you have any idea what it's like to give your best to someone and they still pick someone that just exists over you? I know what I did and what I am but come on. Haven't I proven I changed? Is one slip up enough to cut me off forever?…And he felt like the obvious killer at the time…What more can I do?" 

You slowly looked back at him as he frowned. "Please…YN…I lost it. You want to know what changed? Why can't I kill you no matter how much I should? The threat of you actually being dead changed that. I'm not speaking for happy boy out there but when I saw you lying there, some guy with a gun over your dead body, heard you scream as he shot you…God baby, I thought you died." He visibly looked in pain. Brows up, mouth stretched back and eyes focused on you. His voice softened. "I thought the one girl I love was dead. I never want to feel like that again. I can't. I'll get caught because I'll lose my fucking mind…So I don't know about Billy but you have my word; no matter what I'm never going to make you a target again. I won't. And I'll kill Billy before he ever hurts you. No one's laying a finger on you." 

"...Yeah, but what about my family? Or my friends? Not to mention, can you honestly say you'll never lose your temper and almost kill me ever again? What if Billy wasn't there, would you have stopped yourself? Can you really give your word you won't hurt someone I care about as revenge for something I said or did? Because I don't think you can…Stu, you betrayed whatever trust I was starting to have for you." 

You stared at him, eyes flicking over his face to see if he was being genuine or not as you spoke. He went to step towards you and you instinctively took a step back. He paused mid step before staying in place. He frowned deeply before muttering in a heavy voice. "If you never want to see me again…I guess I'll leave. What more can I freaking do? It'll be like I never existed. Is that what you want?" He demanded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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