Part 6

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You drove to the park Billy insisted you pick him up at. He refused to have either of you know where he lived and you couldn't blame him. It scared the hell out of you when Stu found your place through word of mouth. Now, the killer knows. If you could have kept it secret from the killer, whoever that may be, you would have. Billy never specified where he got the letter but he still insisted you meet up with him instead.

'This is crazy. You're going to be in a car with two murderers that have tried to kill you twice...One you barely know and the other you haven't seen in 3 years till today...Maybe you're crazy? Maybe you really need to be on something or evaluated again?' You thought to yourself.

You parked your car under a street light at the curb near the park. Stu sighed out of boredom and put his boot on your dash. You smacked his leg. "How many times do I gotta tell you to stop doing that? It may be junk but it's MY junk. I'd appreciate you not putting your filthy shoes on my dash."

Stu sighed dramatically and put his feet down. "Sometimes I miss when you were too scared to say shit to me."

"Well, you could always try to kill me if you wanna go back to that. Take credit for these letters whether it's you or not; That'll do it."

He thought for a moment and shook his head with a scrunched mouth. "Naahhh...Life would be as boring as it was after Woodsboro without you."

"Well, you didn't think like that at Windsor."

He glanced over at you with a smirk. "I didn't know what I was missing."

You almost smiled but sighed. You saw that look in his eye, you were finding yourself feeling the same way you did as a teen right before the Massacre and damned yourself. You knew you had to keep nipping this shit in the butt and halt this before he got too ahead of himself and you let him.

You turned completely in your seat to look at him. "Stu...You realize that we're only friends, right? We aren't a couple and we're not going to be. I don't even know if we're friends, I just know we aren't trying to kill each other at the moment and we're chill."


You stared at him. "To...Killing each other?"

"No! To the only friends thing. You'll cave."

You gave him a serious stare. "No, I won't."

He smirked to himself. "You'll see."

You sighed and rubbed your temple. "Stu. Listen to me." He looked at you as you spoke to him. "I am not looking for a relationship with anyone let alone a man that-"

"Is a murderer, has little to no empathy. Refuses to learn compassion and the error of his ways or whatever. Yeah, yeah. We've been over this."

"Not just that...Stu, I'm lucky to see you once every few weeks. And that's just in the last year or so. Before that I only saw you once in a blue moon. We haven't even discussed Woodsboro or Windsor until recently and even that's touch and go. That's how little we've truly talked!...How much do you really know about me? Seriously?"

Stu laid a hand on his knee with a long sigh to think. "Well...I know you don't like crowds or being in unfamiliar places. You like horror. You like animals. You uh..." He trailed off and then pointed at you. "Oh! You're sentimental! You keep photos and trinkets!...I kind of saw it in your room one day."

You scoffed. "You were in my room? Snooping?!"

"Just for a minute! I left the top drawer of your underwear and uh...Personal friends alone. I like the purple one. Not nearly as good as the real thing but-" He gave you a shit eating grin you felt your jaw clench.

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