Chapter 25 pt. 1

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*TW: Suicidal Tendencies/ Thoughts from YN*
  "Surprise YN… URGH! SHIT-" 

Stu groaned in pain after you jabbed him in the ribs with your flashlight as hard as you could. He went to grab you again and missed. Knocking the flashlight from your hand as you narrowly dodged him grabbing your arm before shoving a stray chair in his path. 

"YN! Wait a minute!" Stu yelled out before wincing and hissing under his breath, "God she got the bad ribs too. Every freaking one of them-" He clutched his side and ran after you. 

You ran as fast as you could to the other room and practically barrel rolled to get the lock box on the table. Both Billy and Stu rushed in after you before ducking down each with a yelp when you opened fire, a vase nearby shattering into a million pieces as they both scrambled away.

"YN! It's us you fucking idiot!" Billy squawked out from the ground. 

"I KNOW!" You snapped while aiming with only one hand in a way you didn't usually do with your other hand still recovering. 

Stu raised a hand with an urgent yell. "Hold on! Just hold on a second!" 

  "What are you doing here?! I warned you to never ever come here!" You argued.

Stu gave around the corner of the hallway. "H-Hey, I didn't come to fight, I was just goofing around! Ya know, just making an entrance!" 

"Well I'm not laughing, Stu!" 

"Yo, we just wanted to talk!" He yelled back.

"Then pick up the phone and call like a normal fucking person!" You tried seeing in the dark without your flashlight with it knocked out of your hand somewhere in the kitchen. The thunder rumbled as you tried to prevent your hands from shaking.

 Billy countered from somewhere in the room you couldn't see. "We don't have your number after your old cellphone got destroyed, remember? And you didn't give Stu your house phone. Can't imagine why." Billy sarcastically said in-between grunts; sounding like he was struggling to move around near the furniture but you couldn't see. "Kind of stupid to give him your cell's digits, too." 

"Really? Like, you actually think nows the time for petty digs, dick?" Stu countered, still hidden around the corner near the hallway to the kitchen. 

You sucked in a shaky breath, aiming everywhere in the room as you heard thunder roaring, wind howling and Cherri barking from your bedroom. A harsh streak of lightning lit up the room in an off blueish white hue for a second. Just enough for you to see Stu a few feet away. You gasped, went to point the gun before feeling something jerk you back by your shoulders as an arm looped around your collarbone and another twisted the gun out of your hand. You held onto it, releasing a frustrated yell as you tried to not let Billy get that gun from you before he harshly hissed in your ear.

"Drop the gun right now, YN. We're just talking, alright? Just for now, I'm not slashing you up." 

"Fuck you!" 

"Drop it. NOW." 


"Alright, screw it." He grabbed your bandaged hand and put pressure on it. You cried out, a sharp pain shot up your arm at just the pressure he used before you dropped the gun from your other hand. Despite it all, you jerked from his hold and jumped to grab it on the ground in the dark before it was intercepted by Stu.

Your face fell. So many deja vu moments hitting you as you were cornered by Billy while Stu held your gun. A stormy night all alone facing down the killers.  He gave you a look you could barely make out in the dark before walking over and putting it back in your lockbox. Slamming it shut and shoving it to the side. Both of them soaked as Billy's hair clung to his cheek and Stu's thin shirt was clinging to his body. You all stood still for a moment as the storm raged around your home.

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