Part 16

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You stayed in the passenger seat as Randy turned his car off. Staring in dismay at the vehicle parked in the driveway. No, you didn't get a clear look at it that night; entirely too busy trying to stay alive on the road... You weren't an expert on cars but this black SUV had a giant dent in the front bumper where it possibly rammed your car. That's all you needed to connect the dots.

"Hey, everything alright?"

You nodded as you forced yourself to glance at Randy. You wanted to tell him but he would worry himself sick if he knew and considering this killer had so much leverage on you; you were half scared to rock the boat and tell anyone anything.

Deja vu was hitting you like a ton of bricks as he stood outside the car leaning down to stare at you. Once again, you couldn't tell him what was wrong right outside a house party. You felt an uneasy crippling fear well up in you. Fearful the killer was here tonight and you were being lured into a trap with Randy once again. And just like before, you weren't able to tell him why you were so freaked out.

His eyes darted to where you were looking at the car. He had his own concern painted on his face.

"YN...What's wrong?"


"Cut the crap. You suck at lying. " He looked at you and then the car you couldn't help staring at. He ran a hand through his hair that was trying to fall in front of his face. "...Is there something going on, like, are we gonna be shish kabobs tonight? Cause I REALLY think I have the right to know that."

You gnawed at the inside of your cheek; not sure what to tell him. "Ray...I just have a feeling the murderer is someone closer than we think...Maybe even here...Do you think it's crazy if I think the killer is someone we know?"

His eyes lit up as he hissed under his breath to you. "No, that's a rule! It's one of the fundamental parts of all this; it's always someone you know! How convenient this killer gives you a note through Dewey's letter or that we all got invited to Stab at the same time."

"And now...We all got invited to a party."

His face fell. "...Shit." He smacked his forehead. "Oh my fucking God, how did I not see that?!"

You swallowed, trying to keep calm.

"And Jennifer invited us all..."

"You're absolutely right...Okay-" Randy huffed and leaned against the car to speak low to you. "This is how I see it. It's either the visionary of Stab which is Roman... Or someone close to Dewey."

"...Like, Gale or Jennifer?"

"Bullseye!" He hissed while staring at you intently as you sat in the car still.

You made a face. "I thought you said girls weren't capable of that? Hhmm?"

He paused a moment before a smirk pulled at his lips. He rolled his eyes with a snort of amusement. "You remember that? I was just trying to get on your nerves. Teenagers."

"Asshole teenagers." You countered.

He continued. "I mean, Hello? Pamela Voorhees was a terrific serial killer!...Besides, Stu was the firm believer of that, not me."

You huffed at that as Randy pointed, his voice raising in excitement even as he tried to whisper. "How do we know it's not lil Miss Weathers eager to get her name back in people's minds as the woman that single handedly took down Ghostface while actually being Ghostface...And with that note you got, she very well could be trying to put the heat onto you."

You sat up. "...For real?...So, you think she could do that? That she might try and piece um...Make believe pictures or scenarios together to frame me? Like, me being someplace else or with suspects or something?"

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