Part 9

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You softly shut the door behind you; Looking around for him. Just to jump when he was standing behind you with an unamused stare. 

"Decided to follow me, huh?" 

You caught your breath, staring back at him. "...Should I follow you?" 

He raised a brow at the question. "I don't know, should you? Didn't your parents ever teach you about not following guys you barely know late at night? Especially when they're a known killer with nothing to lose?" 

You swallowed but didn't look away from him. "Well, they didn't exactly teach me how to avoid the guy once I'm stuck with him. I had to learn that myself." You softly gave, watching him intently. 

He huffed, lighting his cigarette between his teeth as he mumbled. "So. You got your suspicions about me too?" 

You shook your head while staring into his dark eyes. "I don't trust anyone. Not after everything that's happened these last 5 years..." 

His cigarette lit as he put the lighter back in his pocket. He leaned forward to whisper to you with amusement in his eyes. "Good kid. It's always someone you know…" He circled you. "Your best friend, your family, your boyfriend, your neighbor...The guy that tried to kill you." He hissed over your shoulder.  It made a chill run up your spine as a slow smirk crawled at his face before he started walking away.

You scowled and turned around to follow him. He spoke over his shoulder. "Stop following me." 

"Why? Got something to hide?" 

"Because I like privacy and I said so." 

"Maybe I'm not following you? I was...Getting fresh air. You just happen to be going my way." You gave, folding your arms and walking behind him.

"At 3 in the morning?" He deadpanned as he stopped near the motel's edge at the parking lot, you had a room on ground level.

"Yeah. Besides, what are you doing?" 

"Smoking, if you don't mind." He sarcastically gave.

You frowned. "You still do that? That's gotta be impacting your lungs." 

He took a drag and smirked to himself as he blew it out the side of his mouth. "Well golly gee, Mary Sue. Some of us don't care." 

"You'll care when we're running for your life and you can't catch a breath." 

He scoffed and looked away from you. "Don't care. I'll manage. Last thing I care about is my health." 

You tilted your head. "Why don't you care?" 

He turned back to you. "Are you serious?" He rubbed his eye and gave a disbelieving chuckle. "Let's see...Dad's dead, my Mom's dead, I have nowhere to go, no future, no normalcy of any kind, on the run for the rest of my life and life has no meaning...Why the fuck would I care about my health?" 

You frowned as he leaned against the building under a light. You shrugged to yourself and looked down at your feet. 

"...I uh...I'm sorry about that. Your Mom that is." 

"No you're not." 

You grimaced to yourself.  "No, you're right. She tried to stab me in the face...But...It still sucks for you." 

"No shit." He mumbled, cigarette in his mouth as he avoided eye contact with you. "I'm sure you're not too heart broken. The guy that took away someone's Mother got his Mom killed right in front of him. At least Sidney was spared from that... If there is a God, he's got a great sense of humor." He muttered.

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