Part 22

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    You finally pulled into the driveway. Truth be told, you almost hoped Wallace had a tracker on his car or someone saw you because…You were scared. You were really, really freaking scared.

Here you were, going down a dark driveway with a bunch of cars and balloons on a gate to what you knew was a trap… All alone. No police, no Dewey, no Randy, not even Gale to back you up and certainly not Billy and Stu on your side. You were walking right into a trap and had no one.

Your eyes saw the huge mansion that looked like a castle as you parked Wallace's vehicle. You were used to elaborate homes in the rich side of Woodsboro where your friends used to live but this was beyond that.

You slowly shut the car off and got out before following a path through the well taken care of landscaping until you came upon an inground pool illuminating a teal blue. You realized you were near the backdoor to this place…Your eyes landed on a body on the patio and you had to force yourself to move. The closer you got, the more fear gripped you as they were face down and covered in blood in the dark. Your heart thump in your chest as that pool and the lights inside the home were the only thing providing a light source.

You finally got to the edge of the pool just to see it was Tyson, the guy you only saw on Set today for the first time. You crouched down to check his pulse but relented, it would do you no good and from how still he was; chest not rising or falling, no stirring, and the amount of blood puddled under his head…He was already dead.

You stood back up, looking around for anyone watching; Any sign of life at all.

Your phone rang and you jumped, quickly ripping it out of your pocket.

"What?" You harshly demanded.

"You follow directions well, YN. Now welcome to the final act." You rolled your lips anxiously as they spoke. "Now…See that metal detector? Use it."

You looked around before seeing it lying next to Tyson's body.

"All over, YN. Everywhere."

You picked it up and pressed the button, going over yourself, your left leg and back up before it buzzed at Sidney's locket. You gave a mocking look with a shrug at whoever you knew was watching you from the shadows.

"Everywhere. The other leg too."

You hesitated before stooping down. Running it over your right leg as it sounded off at your ankle.

"Show it to me." The voice hastily growled out.

You had to peel the gun you just stole from Wallace out of your boot. You stood back up and showed it.

"Throw it in the pool."

You gave an annoyed, dreadful look but did what you were told. The gun splashing in the water behind you.


"Alright. I followed directions. So do I get to see my friends or what?"

"Come inside, YN."

You refused, shaking your head. "No fucking way. How do I know they're not already dead?"

"They're right inside waiting for you…Look for yourself."

You held your breath as you leaned to look through an open door near the edge of the house. Tentatively getting a closer look just to see Dewey slouched over in the chair, mouth taped and head bleeding. He slowly looked up at you and you ran to him.

"Now that we're all here, the party can begin-"

You snapped your phone shut, uninterested in whatever they had to say as you rushed to Dewey. He was bound to a chair with tape over his mouth. Gale behind him back to back…But you didn't see Randy. You wasted no time ripping the tape off Dewey's mouth as he hissed in pain.

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