Part 13

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"YN tell me, why do you still feel guilty?" 

You looked at Henry with an uneasy frown. You remember this, it was your last therapy session with him not quite 2 years ago. 

"What do you mean? I stopped Sidney from being stabbed." 

"Yes, but we've been over this. You did what you felt was right at the time. If Ms. Weathers wasn't there; it would have been inevitable. We made progress and then within the last few weeks, this guilt has returned. Why is that?" 

You released a shaky sigh in your chair. "Then maybe it's not exactly what I feel guilty over...I don't know." 

He sighed himself, sitting his pen and clipboard in his lap. "YN, you clearly feel upset over something. It's safe to tell me what it is." 

You were quiet...You couldn't tell him the guilt was from allowing Stu Macher to stay at your house out of fear and his emotional manipulation he was so good at; Making you feel sorry for him. It was always presented as him being some poor old friend with a change of heart...But he would drop tiny hints laced as jokes about what he could do if you called the police. You were stuck and felt guilt towards your living and decreased friends over the choice you were forced to make. 

You sidestepped. "Henry...Do you think there's any way that Tim and James could have actually been Billy or Stu?"

"YN, we've been over this as well... No I don't. I think you were under a lot of stress and the brain has a way of making us think a traumatic experience is similar to another. It's a sense of familiarity that's comforting to us." 

You sat up to look at him. "Randy thought it was them too. Gale. They said-" 

"What they wanted everyone to hear. These types of people get a rush from inacting other murderers that are represented in their minds as aspiring idols." 

You shook your head with a bitter smile. "So...You'll never believe me if I tell you?" 

"Tell me what, YN?" 

You lightly hit the chair under you. "Nothing, just forget I said anything." 

"YN, what is it? Is it the fact you think it's possible for them to still be after you?" 

"I...Maybe. I don't know. But what if they are? What if Tim and James were-" 

He eyed you and wrote something down on his pad before you even finished your sentence. You shot up with a glare. He only writes when you talk about Billy and Stu and you could just tell he thought you were hallucinating...Again.

"What are you writing, Henry? That I'm delusional when everyone else saw them too including Detective Andrews and Richards?" 

"They saw Tim and James, YN." 

"Who's to say they were?! What if...What if they're still out there? Billy and Stu…. I mean, we know Tim and James or whoever is still out there." You tried saving yourself.

"YN, is there something you need to get off your chest?" 

You shook your head. "Why? So you can label me insane all because it wasn't proven who they were?" 

"Then why did you tell the police they were Tim and James if you're so certain it could have been the actual Billy Loomis and Stu Macher?" 

You went to stand up. "Because they wouldn't believe me just like you don't and I'd rather not be labeled a bigger laughing stock than I already am. Did they do anything to REALLY find Tim or James? No. After a few short months of nothing, they considered it a cold case and stopped looking… They abandoned the case, and therefore, abandoned me." You stood up and put on your jacket. "Now, I have to watch my own back for two murderers whether they were Billy or Stu or not." 

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