Part 10

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"Hurry the hell up!" Billy ordered as Stu got out to go into a gas station for a restroom break and snacks. You just got done pumping gas and now you were just sitting in the parking lot. 

Stu flipped him off as he left, leaving you and Billy alone in the car. 

He shifted in his seat to look at you as you sat behind the wheel. Both of them finally agreed after you convinced them daylight traffic near LA was not the right time for either of them to drive and draw attention.

"So, we're just going to Hollywood to

...What? Look for clues? Is that what we're doing with our lives now?" He muttered.

"Don't let Shaggy hear you say that, but yes. Not unless you want to hear 'zoinks' for the next hour." 

"I'd have to kill him." 

You chuckled at that before he turned in his seat to look at you.

"...Okay, since I was forced to share my personal life bullshit; what is your deal with Gale Weathers? Other than her portraying you as a complete slut for me and Stu." 

You gave him a mocking smile. "Aw, thanks for that reminder." 

"Gale wrote it, not me." He rolled his lips. You knew the memory of the closet was in both your minds. You expected him to tease or mock you but he said nothing for once in his life. He continued with a light shrug.  "You've mentioned little things here and there and I want to know what's the deal with all that." 

"Well, this came out of nowhere." 

"I want to talk about it alone. So, while your trusty guard dog is gone; Talk."

You sighed but figured now was as good a time as any. Stu was relatively caught up but Billy was clueless on your life after Woodsboro. If this is what it takes to get along for now then so be it.

"Well... After you left the theater, Gale lived. I mean, obviously. I saved our asses from being killed by Mickey when he attacked us. You know the movie rule; one last scare….Did that count for anything in her Channel pocketbook? Nope. Still always the opportunist that doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone but her money and name." 

Billy scrunched his brows. "Mickey was dead-" 

You cut him off. "He wasn't. I had to shoot him a couple times till he stopped moving. Even with wounds that should have killed him; he still got up and was ready to rip anyones head off in some blind rage over Hallie's death." You had a distant look in your eye. 

It was silent a moment before Billy scoffed. "You?...You're telling me you shot that big ass poser?...More than once? I don't believe it." 

You gave him a dirty look. "I shot at you." 

"Exactly, shot at me and missed. You didn't shoot to kill." 

"Who says I didn't? So, I missed my target? Big whoop." 

Billy huffed at that with an annoyed glare as you glared back at him. "Yes, Billy; I shot Mickey Altieri till he was good and dead. I'd tell you to ask Cotton or Gale but both aren't possible. Read the detailed police report if you have to; I'm sure you could find it online...Now, can I finish my story or what?" 

He stared at you, taken aback at your serious tone. "...Yeah okay, whatever. Go on." 

"Anyways, she came to me in the hospital for a deal after she saw you two and you both confirmed it to your Mom... The deal was; she puts me in a new light as the innocent victim and retracts the Woodsboro Massacre story by having me say you both were alive while helping her find you." 

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