Part 15

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You blinked at him. "...Who?" 

Randy sighed to himself. "Sarah Darling. Blonde, busty, plays every teen boy's fantasy girl in horror films." 

"I'm not a hormonal teen boy, Ray. Who was she on here?" 

"She's this Stab's opening girl, Candi, that gets killed in the opening act. Lord, don't you watch-...Oh, right...No Stab movies for you. Nevermind." 

You ignored his comment. "How did she die and when?" 

"Last night. She was in Roman's office but I heard they found her shoved through a glass door down the hall." He gave a cartoonish grimace as he said it. 

"O-oh." You mumbled with a swallow. Remembering the awful night you had and wondering if the killer got her before or after terrorizing you.

Killing a big guy like Cotton, chasing you all down on a highway, being able to shove someone through the glass on a door...The idea that this Ghostface was so ruthlessly determined to kill made Billy's Mom look tame and Mickey and Hallie look like amateurs. It made even Billy and Stu look like kids playing around compared to whoever this was.

'Then again...Revenge is a hell of a high. Especially if this person cared about Sidney...Or-' 

You shook yourself from your thoughts when you saw Randy raise his eyebrows at you. 

 "Well um, is Dewey okay? I tried to call his phone and a Detective answered." 

Randy shrugged. "I mean yeah, he's fine. Last I saw him, he was sitting next to Roman before they took Roman in for questioning." 

You whispered to him with a dumbfounded expression. "Roman Bridger, the Director??" 

"Yep, the very one. Apparently, Sarah's roommate claimed he called her to schedule a private meeting. He claims he didn't and we all know that's a freaking lie." 

"Whaddya mean?" 

Randy's excitement showed even if you both were in a dark corner, hiding from prying eyes. "Listen, the guy that's in charge of everything is always a suspect. He'll do anything to make his movie, he's lost touch with reality, he thinks this is a movie and he's playing God. Billy and Mickey wish they could be this guy. He is obviously a suspect." 

You folded your arms with a raised brow. "So you're finally willing to admit this is happening for a third time and we're involved?" 

He gave you an unamused stare. "No one likes a know it all, YN." 

"You're one to talk." 

"We can chit chat later with Dewey about all this. I swear I'll call you but if you don't want Milton having you arrested for trespassing or Detectives hounding you; then you really need to get the hell out of here." 

Just then, you both heard John Milton talking and Randy shoved you behind a stack of crates. You scoffed and quickly squatted down to avoid detection. Peaking out to see Milton talking to a bunch of security guards. You could faintly hear him from where you hid. 

"...We don't need any media here. I don't care what you have to do. Get the little punk that snuck in and throw him out on his ass. Fire the guard that let it happen...If ANY photos get out, you're fired too and I'll make sure you never work in any Studio in this town again. Got it?" 

Your face soured as you tried listening before you saw Randy flinch when someone yelled in your direction. 

"You! What is your job?" 

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