Part 18

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Your back was shoved against the wall with big hands wrapped around the upper arms of your jacket. Blue eyes narrowed down at you as Stu pinned you against the wall.

"Where the HELL were you?!" Stu demanded. "We thought you went back into the house or skipped town or the copycat got you or some shit! Would it kill you to fucking call?!" Stu lifted one hand while still pinning you with the other, making a phone sign and giving an awful imitation of your voice. "Oh, hey guys! I'm totally in one piece but I'm gonna be late. Just take my car back to the motel. Thanks, you're the best Stu!" He dropped the hand sign and stared you down. "...Huh?!"

Billy came up beside you, leaning his arm on the wall. "And who the hell was with you just now?"

You huffed after the shock wore off, returning the glare at both of them. "I'm fine, by the way. Just a few stitches in my hand." You jeered before shoving Stu away. He let go of you as you moved past him and dropped your purse onto the bed.

Stu huffed. "Well, that's great! I'm glad! I was gonna ask that! Okay, I was! Right Billy?...Come on, man. Tell her how worried I was." He wildly gestured to Billy while he ignored Stu and just walked towards you with his arms folded.

"Let me put this into perspective for you here...I come back to find both of you gone after our little disagreement. Called Stu just to find out you went to a party with people that work on Stab. I got a taxi to drop me off a block away because I knew it was a stupid idea and the killer would be there. Then when I got there, my suspicions were right! Shocker!... You're bleeding and hysterical; running off right before the house just blows up. We searched for you and had to get the car back to the motel when we heard sirens...You've been gone all night without a single call and now you just got dropped off by a man we've never seen before. So, I'm asking again...Who was the guy that dropped you off, YN?" Billy demanded.

You sucked in a breath and looked up at the ceiling. Rolling your lips before practically coughing out the answer under your breath. "...Detective Kincaid."

Stu huffed with a wry smirk. " Is he an actor or something playing a cop on Set? Damn, go to one party and already you're letting these Hollywood douchebags sucker you in. "

You raised a brow at him. "Noooo...I mean, he's an actual Detective and he's in charge of this case."

Billy's entire face dropped as he stared at you in disbelief. "...A fucking cop?...AN ACTUAL COP?"

"The Detective looks like THAT?! You gotta be fucking kidding me, man." Billy side eyed Stu as Stu walked towards you. "...You were with the cops this whole time?! What the hell did you tell him?!"

"I told him Billy and Stu are alive and I'm helping them! Obviously!" Your face dropped and your hands fell with a loud smack at your sides. "....What the hell do you think I told them?! I told Kincaid the bare minimum and left out anything that links me back to you two. In fact, you both still don't exist...Well...Except, Dennis."

Stu gave a nervous chuckle. "Whaddya mean? Why uh...Why are you saying it like that?"

You shrank back a bit. "Um...Since you weren't at the party and you're next to be killed off in one of the scripts-"

"WHAT?...WHAT?!" You cringed at how high his voice rose.

"Look, there's three scripts and in one of them; Stu Macher is next to die in the flashback. Some nightmare gone wrong in Sidney's memory sort of thing...We think the killer is following one of the scripts."

Stu's face paled. "Oh shit...What the fuck?! I'm getting Freddy Kruegered over here in some dream memory crap?! They're doing me like that?!" He jabbed a finger to his own chest, eyebrows raised and eyes wide.

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