Part 23

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(Sorry for the lengthy wait; thank you all for the support it's so kind and motivating right now! <33)

  Randy's words ran out in your head as you saw a face you never thought you'd see ever again.

'Rule number three: The past will come back to bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past? Forget it! The past is not at rest! Any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you.'

You slowly shook your head in denial at who you were looking at. "…Mr. Prescott?...B-But you're-"

"Dead?" He mumbled with a huff. Mask discarded on the ground while dressed in a black cloak just like all the others. His knife was still dripping with Roman's blood as he held it tightly in his gloved hand. "...I should be. I should be dead. I should have just stayed in that house and burnt to a crisp alongside my daughter." His upper lip rose in disdain. "But you all changed that. Didn't you?"

You didn't know if you were breathing…You took a hesitant step back as his face twisted into a hardened glare; a shell of the friendly Dad you had met a handful of times prior at Sidney's house 5 years ago.

"No. No, I tried to get you out. You wouldn't go-"

"Why would I when I had nothing left to live for, YN? I would have gladly burnt with her and the two pieces of shit that killed her…But then I saw them escape out the backdoor."

You remembered the lampstand in your hand, gripping it tighter as he slowly walked towards you. "Oh, how I wanted to rip them apart with my bare hands for what they did. Nothing mattered compared to what I felt when I watched my wife and daughters' killers escape!" He yelled as he stalked towards you, kicking Roman's body out of the way. You side stepped around furniture to get some distance between you both.

He stopped between you and the couch, towering over you. "So I made it through the fire and out of the back door. My only regret was not taking my daughters body with me just to have something left to bury…But my need to get them was too strong to think. I saw them go to the woods and I chased after them. Couldn't find them…So I went home."

Your brows scrunched. "...What?...Why not call the police? Tell them you saw them escape?"

"I was in shock, YN. " He muttered as you slid back, lampstand braced in your hand ready to swing the second he got close enough.

"I don't even remember walking home that night; but I did. Some burns, wheezing, tired. I just remember coming to in Sidney's room…Clutching her stuffed animals on her bed." His voice cracked ever so slightly while he wore a small smile. His voice barely above a whisper. "She was so caring, wasn't she? So loving and mature and strong willed…All around me were memories of her. It was the only comfort I had." He sucked in a shaky breath as his voice lowered; the smile faded. "I almost called the police. Let them know what I saw, that I lived, that I wanted justice for what those two had done…But the more I paced her room and saw her smiling face in photos. Her CDs, her VHS tapes, her stuffed animals and her clothes…The more I realized she was gone. My little angel, my sweet girl…Gone. The more I thought about that night; The more prison didn't feel good enough for what they took from me."

He gritted his teeth as he ranted to you, his face twisting in rage as his eyes glistened but not a single tear strayed. "They took EVERYTHING from me!!"

"Mr. Prescott-" You mumbled, unsure what to feel or what to even say as he cut you off.

You swore you heard crashing from outside as he continued. " Can you imagine my shock after Stu Macher ambushed me from behind that night? Hit me over the head in the driveway…Sidney must have thought I was driving my own car that night when it left. I was bound and gagged when I woke up in a shed some time later. Loomis taunting me for days that he was the one that murdered my wife a year before as well as his disturbing plans for Sidney. All while his goon of a friend took every opportunity to kick and hit me or threaten me with a knife. If it wasn't for the plan to frame me for my own daughters murder and send me to prison for life; I would have been tortured to death by those sick bastards."

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